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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. so are you jealous of trashie then? enquiring minds...
  2. wow a coherent comment from kevbone. he gets one or two here and there. V7 OTOH....
  3. they'll revert to their old ways once Premier Hillary takes power.
  4. KaskadskyjKozak


    it's the smell of gas around you. freebird!
  6. or switch to Jenkem!
  7. that's what I suspected. at least I can understand your posts whether about this topic or wasps.
  8. progressive or flat? would some people pay nothing (e.g. below some specific income level and would that be based on region/cost of living)?
  9. umm, how would that work? you need to adjust for the area / cost-of-living, would you not? seems there would be disparities in the costs across the board - from salaries to bussing to maintenance/upkeep and even utilities, depending on the school's location. all of a sudden "equal" funding becomes a complicated question.
  10. we live in a federal constitutional republic ; some of you wish we were a "people's republic"
  11. what about the right to own casinos?
  12. and yet you feel compelled to repeatedly attempt to engage in a serious discussion with me. what's the definition of insanity again?
  13. I'm arguing that with property taxes you don't really own land. Private ownership is a fantasy, and strikes me as fundamentally unfair. As for the "state" they have plenty of creative ways to tax the shit out of me and you. Were you not recently complaining about our progressive tax system being unfair?
  14. you read way too much in between the lines, and seem incapable of separating argument of an abstract idea from personalization. consequently, don't be surprise if I dismiss any overtures from you for a supposedly "serious" debate. furthermore, this forum is clearly not in any way amenable to serious debate in the first place.
  15. the whales they are killing are supposedly on the rebound / not endangered. and shit we're wiping out fish stocks in the oceans these days.
  16. I think the public is dying for an independent voice
  17. that's a huge generalization. there are several democratic candidates who fall into that category. unfortunately i don't think the big qualify yes, but if they got big, they'd start to toe the party line we need a viable independent candidate.
  18. you are almost as feisty as me this week. you are focusing on the driving, what about the hunting? more profoundly they are allowed to hunt an animal whose killing is banned nearly world-wide.
  19. well, for all our disagreements, I have to say I understand what you are trying to say, and it's usually a lot more cerebral and interesting than what those guys post.
  20. whether native americans owned the land or not, they lived next to hunting grounds. now they don't, and not necessarily by choice.
  21. I'm arguing against property taxes period, not just after you've paid off your loan. at least for a primary residence that is. as for an inheritence tax - different topic.
  22. are they using the .557 to make it easier for them or to assuage the people who think it is inhumane and cruel to kill an animal the size of a whale in the "traditional" way?
  23. laugh it up - Bush's IQ exceeds both your and No. 13's IQs - combined.
  24. what if the people were driven from their original lands and thus have to get to a destination they never should have been forced to leave?
  25. i'm only abusive to those who deserve it, Bug.
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