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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. Christian Reich on the march, How're you gonna vote in 08, are you down with the man? Mitt Romney or Ron Paul, it's up to you mister poster child tighty rightie. except the PMRC was headed by Tipper Gore, among others.
  2. Okay, I give up, you're as bad a "I'm never wrong" fruit loop as Dru. Liquified natural gas versus natural gas? WTF ya dipstick, stored under pressure, the gas is liquefied. Ya know, generally speaking, I consider you to be a fellow traveler, but in this thread you're a self justifying rabid weasel. I can't fucking believe I find myself agreeing with Fairweather with regards to anything besides which route we should take to avoid brush in the Olympics, but what can I say, you're a uniter, not a divider. POTD. Hell, post of the goddamn year!
  3. KaskadskyjKozak

    Ron Paul

    I've always thought liberals would be foursquare for the 2nd Amendment. With these facist Bushites ignoring habeas corpus and wiretapping without warrants, I'd think they'd see the writing on the wall. The police forces in America have been an occupying army for a generation, too, and are becoming less and less subtle about their contempt for the citizens. Both freedom and tyranny come at gunpoint. if the citizens had guns, it's be harder for the liberals to round up the conservatives, execute them, and dump them into pits in the forest.
  4. KaskadskyjKozak

    Ron Paul

    Nice job with the photoshop, but we all know TTK rides a motorcycle.
  5. KaskadskyjKozak

    Ron Paul

    Ummm....wouldn't that be Eastside drivers? Fair enough....I use the term "Seattle Drivers" pretty loosely for the entire metropolitan area more semantic games for mailboxkong... i'm sure a fair number of those drivers are headed into Seattle, where they will be "Seattle Drivers". and "true Seattlites" don't drive, they bus, bike or walk, so Seattle driver must be an oxymoron, unlike TTK who's just a moron.
  6. KaskadskyjKozak

    Ron Paul

    he/she/it is running???
  7. I thought the leather harness was the closer. I should have gone with how big the plow is. now you're off-route... and lost.
  8. whiteout conditions now
  9. more like 55 mph winds and horizontal freezing rain. no summit for you buddy.
  10. it took you this long? damn, you're slow. please don't throw any batteries at me...
  11. it took you this long? damn, you're slow.
  12. is that the "orgasm song"?
  13. just think what "big dumb sex" would sound like... when bleeped
  14. sorry to hear you are now into fruits
  15. otherwise, how can you have your pudding?
  16. thank you ma'm, can I have another?
  17. maybe he has viagra
  18. I'll bet that when they get home at night, their fat and psychopathic wives thrash them to within inches of their lives!
  19. it's all fun and games until someone loses an eye it's all fun and games until your odaliska tells your wife
  20. it's all fun and games until someone loses an eye
  21. makes me want to say, fuck off you fucking fucks.
  22. as if tipping the margin to select one oligarchy's anointed one over another oligarchy's anointed one really matters for squat in the end
  23. psycho chicks are hot.
  24. Yesterday I was driving and "Money" was playing on the radio. The old familiar words came on: Money, its a hit. Dont give me that do goody good bull. WTF??????? I've heard this song on the radio for 25+ years, and it's never been bleeped. LAME. LAME. LAME.
  25. Note to self: stay clear of Archie and do not piss her off.
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