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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. like posting nearly 40000 pieces of crap to a climbing forum?
  2. changing the subject? a car is not land. as for the kkk, FOAD, Canuck-dog-felcher
  3. how do you keep a jackass in suspense?
  4. once you pay for your property (e.g. a loan if you have one), you are free and clear. you are not taxed for your property, and you can not be evicted for any reason. it's yours until you die.
  5. you just don't get it. ever. there's the "character flaw".
  7. bullshit. the fact is with property taxes there really is no such thing as private "ownership" of land/property.
  8. +1 except I think Dru is about to tell us how the whale meat is chock full of toxins
  9. and non-property owners don't benefit from these things?
  11. That's just it, I don't think they will get Hilary's vote but the democrats will lean towards a canidate that could appeal towards both parties. Obama is critical of the war, which is good because it gives voters an option to express thier disatisfaction with the war. Even if Obama wins, he will find it incredibly difficult to withdraw from Iraq, that is if he actually attempts to. Hilary can SAY she is against the war, but hasn't make promises to begin troop withdrawal. politicians don't do what they say anyways. people might bank on Hillary to get us out of Iraq whether she says she will or not.
  12. That's some Kevbone quality legal analysis there. you are just too stupid to understand TTK's legal arguments based on his perfect expertise in this subject matter. self-professed jack of so many trades...
  13. Ha. This seems a fundamental oversight in the discourse surrounding home ownership and the freedom it supposedly provides. Most home "owners" are just rent payers with interest. and what about once you pay off your loan? then you are a "renter" from the all-mighty state alone - which suits you and your ilk just fine, "prole"
  14. I want to deceive people into thinking these things must be paid only through "property taxes". I want to nickel-and-dime tax people to death, so each tax seems reasonable and relatively small - even though in the aggregate, they are not. I am a tax-and-spend liberal!
  15. supposedly, she's peeled off about 25% of the female rep vote. or so I've heard reported (and not on FOX news, so STFU before you even say it)
  16. don't try to talk sense to a died in the wool, ACLU-card-carrying closet, commie-sympathizer. the land belongs to the state, as do you.
  17. no, we are not.
  18. I cant agree more....... We agree on something.
  19. The folks who bother to vote voter turnout stats well, gee, W was reelected with the highest voter turnout since Tricky Dick was first elected.
  20. At least we don't kill them with mace, like they do in that barbaric country up north
  21. yeah, that's the problem.
  22. still no bitch titties...
  23. no bitch-titties there.
  25. dedicated to ; fw/kkk/c'cocks/etal go fuck yourself blojob7/v7/sister-in-law felcher
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