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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. Aw, that's just hurtful just some motivation for you to get even w/ me next climbing season...
  2. funny, I was just wondering when you'd jump into this thread, gramps.
  3. funny, I never heard him say that. perhaps eric is just a normal human being living his life and doing what he can without bragging, rather than acting like a bloviating besserwisser with an egomaniac complex?
  4. Depends on the source of the comment, and the obvious intent whether it's taken seriously. Coming from you - no, it's obviously a joke... you're just a regular here, like RuMR and a few others. Now, go lick sack.
  5. I'm sorry, is Eric posting 50-100 diatribes a day covering just how bad our various institutions are, the lack of proper action by the government and citizens, and how it all must be fixed?
  6. associating me with the KKK is slanderous and defamatory. making fun of TTK's self aggrandizement as king kong of tiger mountain is hardly comparable. if you don't see the difference, then you've got a problem. go reread builder206's post
  7. kkk? FOAD
  8. Whew!
  9. Define "old fart"...
  10. Now we all know why he's so shy about revealing them. Poor Beta: you'll never rate.
  11. um, yeah, right.
  12. umm, yes, I have an account there. and so do several other cc.com'rs. I recently created the same avatar as I have here(I had another). not much going on on that site. Battle Cage seemed to be shut down. cc.com is where the action is. and I'm not sure how your post proves anything. Kevbone called me KKK despite my repeated corrections - It's KK. that is what *I* responded to, not his stupid link to Ascensionist. He, like the other ass clowns here call me KKK intentionally. Call me KKK, and I say "fuck off and die, slandering piece of dogshit". thanks, and good night.
  13. Gee, YOUR HERO Bubba was all for that bro, so what's the problem? Just to refresh your memory (I know that all those bong hits have understandably left a few gaps in your already sparse set of working synapses):
  14. Yes there is....KKK learned all he knows from here. KKK? Fuck you Kevbone, you piece of shit.
  15. most likely his issue is a small penis, and he's trying to overcompensate.
  16. there is so much going on in that photo...
  17. it's always so easy to make excuses for and rationalize about the failures of your "own" while being openly hostile and critical towards "others" as if there is some huge difference, now isn't it? this thread is about Al Gore's hypocrisy and my comments are on point. the guy is full of shit.
  18. shock the monkey shock the monkeeee
  19. he had 2 years with a Dem-controlled congress - what did he "accomplish" with them? considering that the Kyoto Accords came out in 1997 and the Republicans took control of Congress in 1995-1997, i'm not sure of the point you're trying to make, but it can't be a good one. Al Gore didn't do much as VP to further this "cause" of his - before or after Kyoto. Not until his ass was kicked in the election and he needed to find a new "cause" to ameliorate his hurt ego and find some way to justify his existence and satisfy is immense ego.
  20. :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p
  21. KK, I've been reading your posts for a while now. I hope you don't think this is weird but I've been so impressed by the content and the style of argumentation in your work. Is there a special school that you went to learn all this stuff, cause you just come off as being so knowledgeable on so many subjects. Is there a group that I could join to learn more, or maybe you could point me to some websites or authors that you like. I'm especially interested in your expertise on the thinking of liberals, commies, pinkos, etc. Thanks in advance and keep up your amazing work! --Prole PROLE YOU HAVE CONVINCED ME THAT MARXISM IS THE WAY AND I'VE SEEN THE LIGHT REGARDING OUR EVIL CAPITALIST BOURGEOSIE MASTERS. WORKERS OF THE WORLD UNITE!
  22. I'll settle for that. Maybe we can take up a collection here to pay for your airfare.
  23. emigrate, please. from where???? mars.? i live here., on earth, and i am free.... i think..... from the US. to Iran.
  24. emigrate, please.
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