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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. beautiful. you're so OCD and predictable. another marionette to manipulate for my entertainment.
  2. if you study hard enough you might even get into wazzu. they take a certain number of retards. as an alumnus of that fine institution, i'd just like to say "fuck off" be careful or no 13 will tell you to italicize that an add the correct grammatical ending.
  3. amen, sister. thank you.
  4. umm, I'm neither anglo or protestant. and thanks for the additional evidence of your race-obsession - not that we needed any more.
  5. man this is too easy.
  6. it'd be pretty damn easy to top your humor too. even something as low-brow as this Irishman could do the job:
  7. as is the true answer to your question. so right back at you I insult you because you are hostile to me. just read back to yourself what you wrote above. have a nice day.
  8. 1. it's how i show you my love for you Porter-pie 2. yes Now answer my question: 1. what the hell did you do to Hot Carl????
  9. 1. it's how i show you my love for you Porter-pie 2. yes
  10. if you study hard enough you might even get into wazzu. they take a certain number of retards.
  11. Your "facts" are tainted and one-sided, par for the course from your political comrades.
  12. perfect. in two days you've shown yourself both a commie and a racist pig. I congratulate you for coming out of the closet. now just admit you and no. 13 are butt-lovers and we've got a trifecta. There's nothing about your potato-chucking ass a good relocation program couldn't cure. And, while I haven't seen 13's, I do love a nicely shaped ass. BTW, we forgot to add the guy who defeated Hitler to the list of great orators. Stalin. Potato chucking and relocation. That's funny coming from an Irishman, Patty.
  13. Let's stick to the subject at hand. Why are you such a racist? I think you need some quality time with a counselor. Maybe "Dog" or Michael Richards can refer you to one. As for drinking before lunch, you're confusing me with our mid-day martini wonder boy TTK. I understand it's tough to pay attention with your limited attention span, and all your worries (studying for the PSAT's, your acne problems, the big kids giving you wedgies in the locker room, etc). But try harder please.
  14. At least we can count on the housing market to pull us through. Speaking of which, anyone pull the trigger on the new house next door? OMG, Porter, a recession??? that should never ever happen. I mean, never ever. It's called a business *cycle* for a reason, Porter-hole. And yes, Clinton gifted Bush with one two. Short memory or selective memory?
  15. perfect. in two days you've shown yourself both a commie and a racist pig. I congratulate you for coming out of the closet. now just admit you and no. 13 are butt-lovers and we've got a trifecta.
  16. farts precede shit, and you exist. there's your proof.
  17. Racism is not funny. You'd make a fine clansman or Nazi, No. 13.
  18. There's nothing "token" about Condi Rice. And calling her such clearly reveals racism. Not surprising from left-wingers (aka closet race-obsessed, elitist pigs).
  19. This may be true, if you think outside the token box you're a racist pig in addition to a puerile, ankle-biting troll? no surprise there.
  20. Go play with your titties if you're bored, and leave us alone. MKTHNKXBYE?!
  21. Dude, Gore was a total moron - at every debate and every appearance and speech. But hey, if you want to sniff two pieces of shit and claim one smells better, all the power to you. What do you mean by saying Gore was a total moron? did he not declear he was the inventor of the internet or some such nonsence? That should make him a god considering how he most have been what 2 years old or there about? Now a 2 year old inventing the internet is no moron. Two words: lock box Repeat endlessly. I think the Saturday Night Live skits with Gore best illustrate what I am referring to.
  22. it's perfectly innocent... nothing sexual about the michelin man crossed with the Stay-puf marshmallow guy. I think heaven would be donning Ghostbusters garb and taking you out Bill Murray style. Only the immediate vicinity will be covered with something of a decidedly different nature/color than marshmallow. True, that, but the nastiness might be offset by a hotter replacement for Sigourney Weaver?
  23. Dude, Gore was a total moron - at every debate and every appearance and speech. But hey, if you want to sniff two pieces of shit and claim one smells better, all the power to you.
  24. it's perfectly innocent... nothing sexual about the michelin man crossed with the Stay-puf marshmallow guy. I think heaven would be donning Ghostbusters garb and taking you out Bill Murray style.
  25. Edwards sure looked like shit last night. Right side of his face was drooping as if he's had a mini-stroke. Let's hope to God he is ejected from the viable contender status soon, and never ever is chosen as a running-mate.
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