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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. Obama is not finished yet!
  2. And just how are we supposed to "put our money where our mouths are", Tvashie. Just curious. If it's by climbing with you, sorry, but some of us don't have a need to "prove" ourselves to other people, or get self-worth by showing our tiger-mountain prowess or skill with ice tools. But you go on with your bad self, Stuart. You are good enough, you are smart enough, and doggone it, people like you! Really!
  3. Tvashie can dish it out, but gets so defensive when it comes back. Poor baby.
  4. uh-huh. yeah. mmmkay. Whatever Stuart Smalley. BTW, do you ice climb? that would be cool, and manly.
  5. How about tomorrow. Noonish?
  6. Gee, another reminder that you ice climb. Wow! That's amazing. You are such a man. Everyone should respect you now. It must give your life meaning. I'll stick to climbing with people I actually like. Thanks for the offer though.
  7. Nein, du bist ein Arschloch... wie riechts sehr schlecht.
  8. Can you say "OCD"? gotta love his one-sided conversations... guess it's lonely in his little world.
  9. you're in no position to be talking about "stump-like" heads, fuckface. and just try to piss on me - I'll unscrew your head and shit down your neck.
  10. I'd rather drown in a bucket of snot than spend a day with you.
  11. Try doing some sit-ups, or anything to tone up.
  12. Gee, you're grasping for straws.
  13. GB is gonna crush 'em.
  14. Every time you act like an asshole, which, coincidentally occurs with every one of your posts, I just look at that photo and laugh. I know, it's cruel, but you can fix that problem - if not through diet, then through surgery.
  15. that photo is the gift that keeps on giving, tittie-boy
  16. You're in no position to mock anybody for their resemblance to a monkey:
  19. this would concern me more if i actually made enough a year to sock 2k away OK: taking a longer and wider view - please consider this an obligation that the gov't, and folks like Bob Dole, are going to let your children deal with and pay for. By not encouraging those who CAN do so, in fact penalizing them if they overstuff their retirement account, they will will invariable be more of a burden on our society late in life. Can't tell you how much, maybe we can ask our kids in a few years. Roth IRA's have a limit of 4000 per year right now PER spouse. It's even higher if you are close to retirement.
  20. subjunctive mood - was->were
  21. And it is because you live in this country that you are free to say that. And I am free to say this: "You're an ass." v7/j7, if you hate it here so much, then do something positive to change it to your liking. Or just STFU and leave. Or just STFU and stay. Or just STFU. I vote for STFU and leave.
  22. Hillary is a candidate, not a candidate's spouse. Man, you're dense.
  23. Kevbone posts provocative post - after 15 minutes and no response, he bumps it up by replying to his own post - hoping that somebody, anybody will validate him as a man with something worthwhile to say...... at least he didn't post that picture of Janet Jackson... yet again. or that one of TTK in a thong.
  24. because some animals are more equal than others, tovarish.
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