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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. if only you were to be so lucky!
  2. what is the ideal tool of choice - machete or chainsaw?
  3. Interesting, the way you subverted the English language to refer to a candidate of color. Maybe you have personal racial issues of which you are unaware? commies were some of the biggest racists, antisemites, and bigots the world has ever seen, so no surprise here
  4. I wasn't on the Cleaver last weekend, but there is a shitload of snow up on the mountain. My guess is it's worth a go.
  5. KaskadskyjKozak


    you forgot slovenly hag
  6. Robert Byrd was a racist 50 years ago Jesse Helms was one until the day he died. and your frequent and ready use of racial epithets makes you one too, asshole
  7. As usual, you have NO idea about what, or to whom, you are speaking, Swami. Grow up. Much to your disappointment, I migrated to the Northwest from the "hated" California because I fell in love with Mt. Rainier. By the way, I am a California colonist. You are now living in North Northern California. Drive to Ashford and make sure you tell Big Lou how much Rainier sucks. And while you're at it, find some Nisqually Indians and ask them about their "god of a mountain", for which the city of Tacoma is named. ...sucks like a cross-section of the so-called climbing "community" in general. For my first 15 years of climbing, it was really, really special...it's gotten lame, dumbed-down and stupid ever since. I still cling to the distant hope that there will someday be a renaissance of people who really care about the crags and mountains and how they're treated, and how we climb them. Speak for yourself, but not inclusively. That's your prerogative...perhaps you'll feel better about your self-esteem tomorrow. Today is the first day of the rest of your life....choose carefully. do you have anything positive to say?
  8. KaskadskyjKozak


  9. We'll remember that when you keel over, king of all assholes.
  10. Sure they are:
  11. From the link I posted: "When he retired in 2002, North Carolina's junior senator, a Democrat with whom he had often tangled, was among those paying him tribute: "The people of North Carolina will never forget the work and the kindness and the personal attention that he has given to them," he said. John Edwards knew that from experience. Before Edwards ever entered politics, Helms heard about the death of his teen-age son, Wade, in a car accident and went to the floor of the Senate to enter into the Congressional Record an essay that Wade Edwards had written about the meaning of patriotism" He showed more class as a human being with this one gesture than any of you worthless hateful fucks who dance on his grave.
  12. like slogging up a snow slope is all that interesting? i don't see anything special about that. and the weather sucks donkey dick. climb willis and then come talk shit bob.
  13. which one did you order?
  14. A nice looking guy in Volunteer Park said that very same thing to me one Friday night. sorry about that. I was just trying to bury the hatchet.
  15. your Tannenbaum needs ornaments
  16. Pink, did you climb El Cap?
  17. it's gonna be sunny all week apparently.
  18. I understand in theory how private contracting could be effective for things like this, but the usual lack of accountability, lack of competition, and the obviously corrupt ways in which no-bid contracts are awarded make privatization in general at most a distorted shadow on the cave wall. But I guess the grass is always greener. private contracting? who said anything about that? as for lack of accountability, lack of competition, and "obviously corrupt ways" - fuck, that describes big government to a tee.
  19. And you don't have a clue about what and who you are putting down on a weekly if not daily basis on cc.com. When was the last time you climbed the South Face of Prussik Peak? Numbah Ten at Index? Have you ever met the climbers you attack by name? How many of them? Do you sign your attacks with YOUR name? Try posting some trip reports and telling us how much you love climbing some time to balance out some of the rest of it. Meanwhile, carry on. As I posted last time you were miffed when I commented on one of your rude attacks: you have a right to your opinion and I even defend your right to post here once in a while. interesting that you choose to criticize Raindawg in this instance, when a far more obvious poster worthy of your criticism is involved in the thread
  20. it's all the "thought" that counts, not the result
  21. Ahh, the children - reflections of their parents:
  22. yet another example
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