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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. this is why there's never any progress in this city stupid asses, red-tape, whiners, NIMBY's et ali.
  2. but do you want to cut his nuts off, that is the question!
  3. blow hard
  4. this discussion is going nowhere; let's talk about politics
  5. how about "cool chick"?
  6. If Jesse Jackson hates Barack so much that he wants to cut the guy's nuts off, maybe Obama isn't so bad after all.
  7. i've heard of gerbil shooting, but gecko-shooting?
  8. I almost shoot my computer screen with my m-5 everytime I see that. that's an animated representation of Pink releasing the brown hostage
  9. even you are an improvement over this week's spray that's saying a lot
  10. Dude, that's your stock and trade. Of course, you may not be "playing".
  11. Pollocks? he's not a polyak. real polyaky have some class, and a few are on this site.
  12. well, let's see: 1) we have TTK and GGK actively involved in Spray. Always makes the place go to shit real fast when either of those two worthless fucks are around 2) FW's troll on Jesse Helm's death led right to the bottom of the barrell really quick 3) Spray sucked so bad even MattP and Bug had to repeat their oft-stated comments about how it pulls the whole site down 4) Scott led about a dozen endless, rehashed political debates/trolls. Let's talk about Iraq some more! 5) Minx, Archie, and other cool people who generally lighten things up were noticably absent
  13. you missed a lot dumbass. GGK pokazuye svoye spravzhne pokhodzhennya, movu, kul'turu - yak moskal'.
  14. fail. try again.
  15. you must enjoy train wrecks
  16. yeah, right
  17. Alan Jackson... NOT
  18. yes.
  19. crassinane
  20. Maybe Porter can change the name of Spray->Spray to Spray->Crassinine?
  21. sheesh, Bill, I'll delete it
  22. crasshole
  23. or mocking his age
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