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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. Paddy Go Easy pass, plus some scrambling? Robin and Tuck Lakes? Daniel?
  2. having just been there this caught my eye: linky I'm wondering if this was just above the 2nd step? 11,300 is pretty close to the elevation of the ice chute. The incident is also on Gauthier's climbing blog.
  3. I was always partial to "Saturday Night Special" and "On the Hunt"
  4. Actually, it's "a rich person got a deal?" Do you think Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Rupert Murdoch, or Michael Bloomberg don't get deals on huge loans also? rationalization. hypocrisy. gotta love it. and after all those crocodile tears about Haliburton.
  5. no. which album are you listening to?
  6. the voices in my head
  7. KaskadskyjKozak


    yeah, 30 cans of swill is the way to make it count
  8. I am so proud of America. For the first time in my life.
  9. KaskadskyjKozak


    this thread sucks donkey schlang
  10. KaskadskyjKozak


    Sorry, I actually work for a living. I only post here while eating lunch and dinner. or when drinking a 30 pack of shitty beer
  11. KaskadskyjKozak


    Train kept a trollin' all night long
  13. how much would it take to fully fund all the NFS and NPS programs at 100%? 1 day of the cost of Iraq?
  14. Halt! Ihre Papiere, bitte!
  15. Thanks for all the work JH.....I would agree with the helmets.....but would take that a step further and say you should wear your helmets anytime you climb. ANYWHERE should you put your name on it too?
  16. i'd like to rake both of them over the coals
  17. He could change his name to "Beau". The boy's and girl's name Beau \beau\ is pronounced boh. It is of French origin, and its meaning is "handsome; admirer; sweetheart". Short form of Beauregard, and of recent coinage. Husayn, Hussein, Hossain, Hussain, Husain, Hosein (Arabic:حسین Turkish: Hüseyin), is an Arabic name which is the diminutive of Hasan, meaning "good" or "handsome".
  18. how about starting with fixing road washouts as a #1 priority?
  19. I'd rather have neither. Bubba would be fun to have around at any BBQ, as long as his wife wasn't there, and you could keep him away from any pudgy, barely-out-of-their-teens guests.
  20. Hussian or Hessian? If the later we could accuse of being a goose-stepping Prussian. That, or a mullet-wearing metalhead.
  21. I'll bet you and your ilk have a 5-year plan to solve this...
  22. Fuck politics, got anymore cool pictures/movies from that neck of the woods? fuck the pictures, I want to see couloir's avatars back
  23. It's called "irony". The American right-wing might want to look it up before they start naming any more government institutions after the "homeland" and things like that. homeland is bad, agreed. at least it's not "fatherland", and the WOT is not the "Great Patriotic War"
  24. you seem more like a jenkum kind of guy. just sayin'...
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