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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. Esp. ironic considering the abuses the team endured under Saddam's son. Another international organization that's a total joke.
  2. so do we all. unfortunately
  3. KaskadskyjKozak


    Listen to the Flower People
  4. good commies kick the bourgeousie capitalist pigs out of their McMansions, then force them to work on the monorail project as slave laborers, then take any survivors out to the woods and put a bullet in their heads.
  5. *** You are ignoring this user *** Toggle the display of this post fuck off loser. stalk somebody else
  6. Scott, it's the thought the counts! We need light rail. So if we talk about it, and raise taxes, and attack Republicans, why, that's all that matters! Don't ask for RESULTS and don't dare question how the money (YOUR money) is spent, and the project (mis)managed.
  7. Interesting. I heard he was going to make pot-smoking a federal offense punishable by the death penalty, and mandate that parents spank their children for misbehaving.
  8. *** You are ignoring this user *** Toggle the display of this post I see my little ankle biter is back. following me around, responding to my posts. get a life you worthless fuck.
  9. you saw my post above. $.35 in 1979 is $1.10 in today's dollars. Sounds like a reasonable toll. I disapprove of tolls in general, but $1 a day is not bad. But $7? And this state is about as irresponsible with money as they come, with a for-shit record on transportation projects.
  10. $7 a round-trip. You know money is going down the shitter.
  11. a "little bit" of an exaggeration? That's a *whole lot* of understatement and excuse-making.
  12. yeah, and what do we have to show for it? but it's OK - she's got a "D" by her name. Cognitive Dissonance.
  13. Found this . And according to an online inflation calculator: What cost $0.35 in 1979 would cost $1.10 in 2007. Guess our ROI on gov't projects is about 1/6th as good in 2008.
  14. From Wikipedia: "The bridge was built as a four-lane toll bridge in 1963 to provide easy access from Seattle to Eastside communities such as Bellevue, Kirkland, and Redmond. It was the second bridge to cross Lake Washington, the first being the Lake Washington Floating Bridge, built in 1940 as part of U.S. Route 10, later part of Interstate 90, which at its construction was the largest floating structure ever built. Tolls were lifted from the Evergreen Point Bridge in 1979, and the wide area where tolls were collected is now used for bus stops." Anybody Seattlites here know what the toll was before it was removed in 1979?
  15. the $7 tolls will wind up with the same result, trust me.
  16. private industry can pay quite well for roads lick sack, contrarian
  17. let's see: gov't sponsored day care? no. health care? no. welfare? no. food stamps? no. subsidized housing? no. nope. it's about what gov't is supposed to pay for.
  18. fuck that. at this rate a new Boston Tea Party is long overdue
  19. The population grew, and the roads could no longer support the capacity needed. Yes, government should fund it OUT OF EXISTING TAXES. More people = more revenue - what the fuck are they spending tax dollars on? And as for "encouraging" - it's not government's job to tell people how to live, it's the people's job to tell the government how to work for THEM, the PEOPLE. You know, government OF the people BY the people and most importantly FOR the people.
  20. big government? listen, I believe in a limited government, as I've stated before, and certainly one role of said government - however big or small - is to BUILD AND MAINTAIN THE FUCKING INFRASTRUCTURE. our taxes should cover that first and foremost.
  21. No, no! A tunnel! We need a tunnel under the lake. The technology is available NOW. no, first we need a study. well, raise taxes first - for the tunnel, and pay for the study. then squander the money raised on anything but their intended purpose. then cancel the tunnel project. fuck yeah!
  22. again putting words in my mouth and trying to state my positions. you are about as lame as Kevbone today.
  23. ty sam sukin syn
  24. bednyj prole - kak tipicheskij amerikanskij idiot, on tol'ko znayet odin yazyk, da ne lyubit' eto priznat, khoch delayet vid, chto on chelovek mirovoj.
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