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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. Not quite. The conservative argument is actually more like this: "diplomacy doesn't work; these people are a threat; we have to actually do something about it". It's based more on human nature really, just like liberals when they react to a problem by legislation. For those who already have healthcare they lose more disposable income supporting someone else who is in a dubious position as to whether he or she can actually afford care or is just unwilling to pay for it and wants others to for them. Less disposable income means less freedom to do the things you like to do, less money for retirement, your kids' future, etc.
  2. I was up there myself two weeks ago. I concur that the conditions were great (but sad too - such a poor ski year)
  3. I'm surprised it took you this long to do that Glad to see the post generated outrage from the target audience. More importantly still Glad you self-identified and replied. Know thyself.
  4. since it's "funny" and par for the course...
  5. Au contraire https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/the-scientific-fundamentalist/201003/why-liberals-are-more-intelligent-conservatives Wow, this is a real eye opener. Nothing like an IQ test administered by soft scientists to boost a libtards' sense of self worth--and boil away all the individual gifts a child possesses. Please, AlpineK, do tell me these youngsters had their skulls properly measured! AlpineK and Kevbone: two shining examples of liberal intellect.
  6. Au contraire https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/the-scientific-fundamentalist/201003/why-liberals-are-more-intelligent-conservatives And yet here you are with an IQ of 74. Of course there is the lifelong use of chronic to blame...
  7. AlpineK - generally it's left wing nuts that are anti-vaxxers, and anti-GMO. Nice try though. Stupid opposition to Science covers both ends of the political spectrum, as does stupidity in general.
  8. http://inhabitat.com/house-passes-bill-that-prohibits-expert-scientific-advice-to-the-epa/ It's so cute that a site 'moderator' chooses to change the thread title in such a disgusting, inflammatory way.
  9. Did someone say 'parade'? [video:youtube]
  10. Pretty sure you're single. Try watching less porn
  11. How about you eat a bowl of bloody dicks?
  12. Nope. I don't think this applies here. And no, I'm not a troll. I've been thinking a lot about douchiness in general and how there is a positive correlation between such and increased socioeconomic status. It's a valid inquiry. FOAD The ad hominem shit doesn't phase me. You didn't address the issue. Lick my balls. I didn't go ad hominen - I said nothing *about* you. FOAD. BTW, it's "Lick sack".
  13. Nope. I don't think this applies here. And no, I'm not a troll. I've been thinking a lot about douchiness in general and how there is a positive correlation between such and increased socioeconomic status. It's a valid inquiry. FOAD
  14. KaskadskyjKozak

    Park Rant

    Fixed that for you
  15. KaskadskyjKozak

    Park Rant

    Yeah, they should destroy Highway 20 and restore the slopes to their natural grade. Want to climb at WA pass? Do it like Beckey did
  16. KaskadskyjKozak

    Park Rant

    Like I said, they are clearly on duty, when they are standing on the far side of the locked gate at 8:15 am and refusing to open until 9. I don't buy the OT or accident response bit. What if I drive up Cascade River road and get into an accident? Who responds? Is someone "on duty". I think a certain amount of accident response - and expectation thereof - can reasonably be put on the shoulders of the person engaging in the recreational activity early in the morning, or later in the evening. I don't expect a nanny state to take care of me if I take those risks. Folks can and do climb Rainier in the winter. That's outside of "normal working hours". So again, you guess seems to fall short.
  17. KaskadskyjKozak

    Park Rant

    there is no good reason for the rule (open at 9 am at the earliest), and they don't care to explain it sure, there are times when it has snowed at night, and maybe a plow needs to run up and down the road, and someone from the NPS needs to check that out first. Everyone gets that. But when it is light at 7 am, and there has been no new snow fall for days, and it is sunny, and the road is bare, and NPS employees are already on duty but refuse to open the gate until 9 because "that's just how it is" is BS
  18. KaskadskyjKozak

    Park Rant

    Red Herring. How about just open the fucking gate earlier when the road is clear and the weather is decent? Nobody is advocating privatizing the park. I'm saying we can't even get decent access with our taxpayer dollars. I've arrived at 8:15 am on a bluebird day, rangers are on duty in their cars at the gate... and refusing to open it. And copping an attitude when asked when they might open it. Later in the day, at Paradise, they then make their rounds to folks changing, taking off boots "you know the road closes in 30 min... you need to move now". Well if you opened the fucking road an hour earlier this would not be an issue.
  19. KaskadskyjKozak

    Park Rant

    Meanwhile the Rangers can't open the fucking gate at Longmire before 9.
  20. Seattle: homeless person urine smell Tacoma: tacoma aroma
  21. yeah, I thought this thread was about ttk/ggk/ivan/other miscreant discussing their favorite make and model for butt plugs.
  22. Oh Jesus...your powers of observation are amazing! Have you read Death on the Installment Plan? A Confederacy of Dunces? These might be manuals that will help you understand the world a little better. someone needs to make ggk "A Modest Proposal"...
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