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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. What needs to happen before you completely blow a gasket? I anxiously await this amusement. They're all just upset that McCain's VP announcement interrupted their post-convention masturbation sessions and wilted their already-pathetic erections. They do seem to be a lot more "excited" about Obama than Palin, that is true. sickie
  2. Credentials dont make a good leader. Obama is inspiring. Where McSame is .....well.....the same (as bush). not quite. Bush picked Cheney. Wanna bet McCain's cabinet is quite a bit different from Rumsfeld, Ashcroft, et ali?
  3. This time I will beat you. Out of here in 20 minutes, bishes!
  4. What needs to happen before you completely blow a gasket? I anxiously await this amusement.
  5. Just think McCain will have finished his 2nd term, and Palin her first!
  6. the joke's on YOU and your ILK, chump.
  7. it's not nice to make fun of the mentally ill
  8. keep on tokin', bro!
  9. like smoking weed? And driving 56 in a 55 you really are convincing.
  10. Play ball!
  11. But Governor of Arkansas, of course, well THAT was different!
  12. like smoking weed?
  13. Anyone to the right of Trotsky scares the shit out of Prole.
  14. No Peter, that's actually the turn-your-hair-white, shit in your pants scariest thing. does it scare you enough to make you emigrate? (crossing fingers)
  15. Hillary will be on the supreme court by then and will not be running for pres......
  16. \ Willie Horton was 100% legit.
  17. do you hold your piolet or your ice tool with your left, though?
  18. I'll bet you throw right and bat left sickie
  19. they too. and they are neither Georgian nor Russkiye. What about the gypsies then? The correct term is "Roma", you racist pig!
  20. they too. and they are neither Georgian nor Russkiye.
  21. I thought we did whatever we wanted and gave the middle finger to all our allies. WTF? Guess that's too simplistic. Every people has a right to self-determination, including - nay, especially- the Kurds.
  22. Yes, but he's got a point. One that could sway enough voters into the D column.
  23. Biden of course was for the war and then his big idea was to break Iraq apart into three separate countries! This big idea was the result of his decades of experience! Sounds like a good idea to me.
  24. linky
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