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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. The clusterfuck is a wetdream to a commie puke such as yourself. How are those student loans by the way?
  2. Just think... some people think it is more, ahem, convenient, to talk about the family of the loser of an election held 6 months ago, rather than the "winner" and the cluster-f**k he presides over...
  3. Nice way to start a Monday.
  4. KaskadskyjKozak

    Rock hard?

    spank him
  5. Aries kick ass. One for you k-bone
  7. I guess they haven't watched a single episode of "Cops" Nor have I. Here's synopsis: cop "Hello, do you know why I pulled you over?" suspect "uhhh" cop "Can I take a look in your car?" suspect "uhh, ok" cop "lookee what I found... you are under arrest" Sounds riveting. it just underscores what a fundamental waste of fucking time and money it is for our boys in black. such egregious criminal behavior they are nipping in the bud (pun intended) - a bowl with residue, and a baggie with a few grams of weed!
  8. Black Dog.
  9. Canadian life expectancy has nothing to do with disparities in health care systems. Once the Canucks catch up to our obesity levels (word is they are working hard to do so) you'll see that 3 year margin evaporate.
  10. KaskadskyjKozak


  12. it's more thanks to your contributions where's bug? we need anoher dolt Just for you, Hot Carl . . . . . . . . . .
  13. I guess they haven't watched a single episode of "Cops" Nor have I. Here's synopsis: cop "Hello, do you know why I pulled you over?" suspect "uhhh" cop "Can I take a look in your car?" suspect "uhh, ok" cop "lookee what I found... you are under arrest"
  14. this thread is almost as idiotic as the "blame America first for Mexico's woes" thread
  15. I guess they haven't watched a single episode of "Cops"
  16. That stamp would have come in handy for Kboner's birth certificate.
  17. The best all around shoe is the one having the most fun.
  18. Here's the rub: "A CBS News poll last week showed that 38 percent of Americans favor legalizing and taxing marijuana, while 58 percent want it kept illegal." Dumbasses. Cali alone could recoup over a billion in taxes.
  19. Like climbing?
  20. face down in cabo, kissing the ground?
  21. No shit, really?
  22. If this is how you describe those who recently died fighting along side our troops in Afghanistan, I would ask if it is perhaps you who really hates America. keep up the crocodile tears - it's amusing. Die. How dare you make fun of Canadians who are dying!!! Die!!! You are a joke.
  23. If this is how you describe those who recently died fighting along side our troops in Afghanistan, I would ask if it is perhaps you who really hates America. keep up the crocodile tears - it's amusing.
  24. Crocodile tears from the hate-America-first-libtards.
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