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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. what's your poison today?
  2. Huh. I heard that we have by far the best system in the world and that if you get sick in Europe you will definitely die. I hear they even make lampshades out of the elderly. So, if we implement Obamacare as specified in the 1000 page document where will our ranking be. Still 37/37, 30 fucking 7th, right?
  3. LOL. Hey Joseph, do you make your own harness out of webbing too?
  4. How do you do an emergency tie-off with a hip belay? A tandem rappel? oh, yeah, you don't "do" alpine
  5. But it doesn't count unless they used a hip belay. real hardmen rappel using the Dulfersitz
  6. Not all folks climbing at the gym ever leave the gym and head out on real rock. I don't know what the actual percentage is, but I bet it is significant.
  7. ride was not too bad if you waited out the squalls (6:45 pm)
  8. it's gonna be a fun bike ride tonight
  9. Same here. I've heard many horror stories about the blue Asolo plastics from REI. pretty much any day on Rainier is a good day
  10. The fear is that what is being tabled is a "trojan horse"... yeah, we need intellectuals like you to show us the truth. fuck off Prole you POS Huh, so you're defending a group of people selling a line of bullshit based on a non-existing hypothetical scenario which would have the effect of denying people health care, but when the blatant falsehood is revealed by their own language, I'm the POS. Got it. your demagoguery and snake-oil products are no different than those you criticize
  11. It was very (melo)dramatic. Quite the spectacle.
  12. When I don't want to see other climbers, I pick a route that is likely to not have anyone there. Or I go midweek.
  13. Still trying to keep AKA away, eh?
  14. Well, I'd love to climb with Pope and Dwayner some time, and even you Bug. ;-)
  15. Unless you're feeble like me. I've done Sahale in a day. It's not that bad at all.
  16. fuck, isn't that the supposed problem with "sportos" - self-serving SOBs bolting routes with no restraint for their own selfish motives?
  17. Only if Raindawg joins us.
  18. There is zero chance of him rubbing of on me period. And Prole is about as intellectual as a bowl of oatmeal, he just fancies himself to the contrary.
  19. The fear is that what is being tabled is a "trojan horse"... Oh I see, so all the arguments about how these proposals are going to take away people's freedom and all that is based on a hypothetical fear rather than the legislation that's actually being proposed? Now I get it Wow...Great stuff...God, this country is stupid. yeah, we need intellectuals like you to show us the truth. fuck off Prole you POS
  20. Yeah, but you said: "Better if they just aren't installed at all for the purpose of 'making climbing safe'. " Totally inconsistent positions you are trying to hold simultaneously.
  21. I admit to not paying much attention to Pope and R-dawgs posts but this is the first time I've seen either of them clearly articulate their position. Unfortunately I think your position is fundamentally flawed. If you want to argue for "restraint" great no problem. I think you could probably stake out a reasoned position. To argue for restraint and ground-up are contradictory goals particularly in the northwest where the rock is frequently dirty. You are far more likely to get well placed bolts in the right spots using a top-down method. Going ground up you will quickly -- put bolts in the wrong place (hard to clip, not useful etc) -- botch placements (poor holes or spinners) -- put bolts where natural gear exists (hidden behind a lump of moss or in place of a loose flake) -- put in too many bolts (ground up is scary!) Basically if you accept some level of bolting you should probably argue for an ethic that minimizes the ultimate number of holes drilled and bolts placed. Ground up results in botched jobs that will eventually require more drilling. (Why am I trying to reason in this thread?????) Stop now! You are making too much sense!
  22. except when YOU install a bolt to make a 3-star route SAFE
  23. Pretty well sums up the best argument against bolting. unless a guide book rates it a 3-star climb. then it's ok
  24. it's a wonder why she gave up her opportunity to be a Rhodes Scholar to join the military
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