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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. you seem angry
  2. Back to the beginning. If I recall this episode correctly, the "lizard people" (sportos) had raided a Federation outpost, and the Enterprise (trad guys) were in pursuit to exact vengeance. The pursuit was halted by a "superior race" (who would this be, the government?) who set up the fight to determine which side would "win" (and the other would be killed off). In the end, the Trad guy "won" but decided not to kill the "sporto". The alien race was impressed and allowed them both to live and go on their separate ways. Now that we've had our battle, that seems like a wise outcome here as well.
  3. almost one more time for this year
  4. I was supposed to be on Torment on 8/8 doing the Forbidden traverse. I had a bad feeling about this climb for some reason and bailed on the plans a few weeks ago.
  5. Does anyone here know what this moron talking about? Does anyone here know what the fuck this thread is about? Fuck if I know. alky is referring to your service record. he is implying that you will not tell him what unit you served with because you never actually did serve, and is mocking you by saying you will not reveal the info because it requires "clearance" At least that's how I read his taunting
  6. you seem angry
  7. Does anyone here know what this moron talking about? Does anyone here know what the fuck this thread is about?
  8. I thought this thread was going to be about shaving messages into TTK's back hair
  9. "I'll meet you up there and then we can talk about it. If you can make it there." -- Raindawg
  10. ONLY 83 POSTS UNTIL WE PASS THE "Christian Climbers" THREAD!!!!
  11. I agree. And I've read this entire thread a couple of times now, trying to find where, exactly, Gary engaged in "shit talking a 1 year old with a mental deficit" so I could share in everyone's indignation. But I can't find it. Can someone please show me the instance of Gary "shit talking" Palin's child that has everyone so worked up? I can see where he "shit talked" Trig's mother, but not a word against Trig. Read the title of the thread, Einstein.
  12. Piled higher and deeper
  13. Exactly. Either agree with Raindawg and Pope, or STFU, because you are "unqualified" to participate in the "discussion" (what a misnomer). As I said before, these fanatics can not comprehend how they can clearly be so RIGHT in such a clear-cut position as theirs - one for which there is no other possible valid position to have. So, STFU, everyone, listen to what Dawg and Pope have to say (yet again), kow-tow, kiss their feet (and ass) and agree with them absolutely. That's your choice. Allah akbar!
  14. if that were the case, they'd appeal to you
  15. Go eat a bowl of bloody dicks.
  16. the health care industry is a behemoth. rapid, massive change will only fuck it up in different ways, probably netting a worse outcome (more expensive, worse average care). you need to fix things incrementally, in small doses unfortunately, that requires patience, restraint, and a while to see the benefits. politicians are looking for a fast-track to pass the legislation so they can get reelected, and people are looking for instant-gratification/relief
  17. right back at you "ass" and go blow someone else... p.s. it's vulgar. I thought you were a master at multisyllable words?
  18. Legitimate questions, all. While you and many others may like your current coverage, the fact remains that the status quo cannot continue- costs are outrageous. I don't really know how a public option will play out; I think by itself a public option alongside all the existing private options might work for everyone, but if it's really the "first step" then that might be a problem, because I don't think eradicating private sector coverage would be a good thing at all. More to the point the current system of total control by powerful insurance companies isn't in our best long term interest, nor is an entirely government controlled system. But the way we are going, the former is what we're going to keep on getting if current reforms are defeated. When they are- you watch. I almost guarantee that insurance premiums, along with costs, will go through the roof. Because they can. As a dyed in the wool conservative, who is happy with his coverage, I'm curious if you there is any problem at all, and if so, what do you think should be done to fix it? Why not regulate the insurance industry instead of supplanting it? Start by mandating conversion to non-profit status.
  19. STFU, "kimmo" - you don't know me from Adam.
  20. Off: link Everyone who has done this has gotten spanked by a moderator, including for the incident you mention.
  21. I googled it and apparently it's some kind of "stool-pidgeon" program for dissenters. or a hoax for such a program. Alky-teke - do you have a link or something?
  22. I was under the impression that on this site (Cascadeclimbers.com) pulling others trip reports and climbing pictures and putting them in spray to make fun of them was out of bounds. What gives me this impression was the tongue lashing Kevbone got from Porter when he did it not that long ago. Yep, you got it right, Billcoe. "Dawg" has a convenient position on what's "in bounds" for himself, since he has zero TRs. I don't have time to browse his 37 photos - I'm sure they are all his stock pics, rather than anything climbing-related.
  23. No man...when it's about climbing, it's fair game...when it comes to one's personal life, it shouldn't be on the table. Look, gramps woke up from his nap! Hey Super-Youngster with all them new-fangled thoughtless persectives on climbing! We'd discuss this all on the summit of Rainier...if you could get there. oh, now we're including hiking in this discussion? LOL. I'm sure Raindawg can point us to some TRs or photos from his recent ascents of a technical route on Rainier. The dude is a climbing machine.
  24. I summitted Rainier already, dude. Nice try though. The DC is still in if you want to make a run up there. I'm sure I'll pound your wrinkled ass into the volcanic ash. Just sayin'.
  25. No man...when it's about climbing, it's fair game...when it comes to one's personal life, it shouldn't be on the table. Look, gramps woke up from his nap!
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