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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. here comes the goon squad!
  2. The dung+hoof/fur adds just a little extra flavor...
  3. did you drink some?
  4. Science: we believe in it only when it suits us.
  5. Freezing level is rising sharply to over 12K this w/e. How big were those cornices on the ridge? Any evidence of stuff falling yet (or sloughs on the glacier for that matter)?
  6. Even more ridiculous are pasty-white, effete losers with small hands packing heat in scary Everett.
  7. 22% in 2009
  8. From your little "balanced budget" survey posted a few weeks ago.
  9. 50+ billion. Not even a dent. What percentage of the defense budget is that, mouth-breather? You morons would just spend it all anyways... and more. Oh, yeah, FO.
  10. 50+ billion. Not even a dent.
  11. Hmm...I'm pretty sure that doesn't sound like anything jb has ever said It sure the hell is implied by j_bots incessant calls for higher taxes as the only solution to budget crises and his appetite for big gov't "solutions" to whatever problem of the day has his panties in a wad.
  12. Virendra is a birther? Who would have guessed?
  13. Now we're talking!
  14. Spinach and chard
  15. And it involves handing over that DQ blizzard RIGHT NOW!
  16. and then there is j_bot who can do endless internet searches from his basement. despicable POS who resorts to ad-hom when his argument suck, which is all the time Poor j_bot
  17. and then there is j_bot who can do endless internet searches from his basement.
  18. What a fucking crock. Try playing "Find the Organic Produce Stand Using Mass Transit When You Live in Inglewood" on GoogleMaps. It's awesome. AH AIN GONNA TOUCH NO APPLE DAT AIN' OH-GANIC! NO SUH! REGLUH APPLEZ JIS DON' CUT IT! Jesus, you're a self parody, Bubble Boy. No shit. Organic leeks? As if fruit stands aren't stacked with regular onions (white, yellow, red, and sweet), not to mention fresh green onions. And there are tons of cheap apples, bananas, tomatoes, celery, carrots, greens, lemons, limes, etc. Pretty clear bubble boy has never set foot in one of these places (that would require leaving his basement room at Mom's house)
  19. j_bot would need to leave his basement to find that out... not gonna happen
  20. That is clearly false. Also note that having to travel to buy food demands adequate transportation and time. Walking is free, as are buses in the city, j_bot
  21. I hear he moved to Everett and is packing heat.
  22. Didn't you see Prole's convincing web search on locations of fruit stands. He really knows his shit! LOLZ
  23. As opposed to your view of reality form Progressiveham? LOLZ
  24. You're tho spethial, j_bot!
  25. You're so full of shit. "Die in short order"? Yeah, they are dropping like flies. One bite of a dorito, and boom, they collapse in a pulsating mass of junk-food-toxin-induced spasms. one bite of a dorito is "a steady diet of junkfood"? Back to reading school for you. Naw, you are hopeless .. "die in short order"... "steady" - yeah, you've got skillz in your prose - in a mind-addled babbling lunatic kind of way
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