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Everything posted by TheOtter

  1. TheOtter


    A perfect opportunity to use the vocab word for the day: pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis Hey Anchoragites! You otter wear a mask!
  2. TheOtter

    Happy Birthday!

    Abraham? You otter learn to click on LINKS.
  3. TheOtter

    Happy Birthday!

    SURE WILL NODDER! http://www.alaskamountainforum.com/profile.php?mode=viewprofile&u=39 An Imposter? OMG!! I otter get that weasel banned!
  4. TheOtter

    Happy Birthday!

  5. Over two months without an Otter Thread post? You otter be ashamed of yourselves. p.s. MERRY CHRISTMAS!
  6. You otter post your credit card numbers and SSN while you are at it.
  7. Bill Nye is anti-nuclear power. I thought you otter know.
  8. Sept.1 to Oct. 2nd? You otter bring more than two kegs!
  9. Happy Birthday! I bought one of these for you. You otter get it soon:
  10. This otter be the winner: I like it much better than this one which otter be the runner up: Extinct!?!? PFFFFTTT!!!
  11. You otter not mix and tylenol! You otter read this.
  12. Well, it's white with a brown face, and has my picture on it. I just happen to have a picture of it: You otter give it to me at the next pubclub!
  13. Well it ain't no otter. I just thought I otter chime in.
  14. A monster!?!?! You otter see this:
  15. TheOtter

    Hey, Pax!

    Yes, it's true. Everyone otter clean out their inboxes once in a while. This message brought to you by: with additional support from:
  16. You otter climb Bloody Fingers and Carol's Crack in the Breadloaves area. Also Tribal Boundaries (or something like that).
  17. That guy otter get a pullitzer. Simply BRILLIANT!
  18. Someone otter do a human+dog speed ascent. Maybe with one of these?: Otters on SCW? OH MY GOD!!!
  19. Any otters down there? I otter check it out!
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