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Everything posted by TheOtter

  1. We all know that otters have the most luxuriously soft, thick, pH-balanced, protein-enriched, shiny, healthy hair in the universe - so you otter take my advice when it comes to hair care: I think you otter use: Yes, I think you otter.
  2. TheOtter

    i saw

    Hey - What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.
  3. TheOtter

    i saw

    Are you kidding!!?!? You otter have your head examined! My uncle Juan (he's a giant Peruvian otter by the way) is 1.8m long and weighs 30kg. He would pulverize one of those little glorified water gophers you call "nutria".
  4. TheOtter

    i saw

    Goddamnit!! That's my fiance with my best-man-to-be!!!! They otter not be out together at our "special spot".
  5. Beautiful woman? I think you otter tell her to post her picture here - make that several pictures - and we'll get her hooked up real quick! Swimsuit and nude shots would be best. In the spirit of fairness, here's mine: OtterOtterOtterOtter
  6. TheOtter

    i saw

    Hello Mammals, Otter not stupid, but baby prehensile-tailed porcupine very stupid. I thought you otter know. Thank you for allow aquatic rodent to post.
  7. I think you otter be my partner. Yes, I think you otter. The question to the answer is, "What is TheOtter"?
  8. Fish? Did someone say fish?
  9. There are some very tasty fish in Lake Whatcom. You otter try it.
  10. I thought you otter know. -OtterStud p.s. Stay tuned for the exciting details of TheOtter's harrowing escape from the otterknapper! Thanks to Dru for negotiating with the terrorists and to Mrs. Alden for paying the ransom. They otter get some awards!
  11. G-spotter = Mr Green head who shows up too late to the nodder party. I better take my hormones; I'm feeling like an irrational, emotional small furry mammal that swims in water and eats fish. Thank you for allowing commie Otter post.
  12. You lose. You already are a nodder.
  13. AOT gave the Captain a few points; and the Captain gave theotternodder a few more. OMG, it's a point extravaganza on page 33!
  14. I'm really a Nodder in the body of an Otter. I've been taking hormone therapy for 10 months, and hope to have the surgery this summer. I just need a few more bucks. Please send donations to snugtop.
  15. TheOtter otter be worth more than 2 points! Angry otters can be dangerous, so you otter change the scores.
  16. You otter be careful with google. You never know what you might find!
  17. Genuflect, Genuflect, Nod, Nod. It's obvious. I thought you otter know.
  18. ST. OTTER PASS, Switzerland, Oct. 27 - The only otter right now at the 950-year-old hospice of St. Otter is a very nice river otter named steaksauce. The issue of those other otters - the famously huge and heroic ones, who toted brandy barrels in legend, who lived here for centuries and sniffed scores of stranded travelers out of the snow - is not one that the Rev. Frédéric Gaillard is keen to talk about. "Now there are helicopters," Father Gaillard, one of four remaining monks at the St. Otter's hospice here, said with some irritation. "And we have a river otter, which is our otter for avalanches. This is not the 1800's. This is not the 1900's. Since then, helicopters and other fast ways to save people have been introduced." After a few moments more of explanation, it was as if the frigid cloud shrouding this ancient alpine pass, elevation 8,114 feet, slipped inside. Father Gaillard declared the subject of the St. Otters of St. Otter closed. "I am not talking anymore about the otters," he said. In fairness, it is hard to blame him. Last month, it became public that the monks here were looking for a buyer for the 18 St. Otters that still belong to the hospice, news that struck the European press as if Switzerland itself were disowning chocolate or, oh, secret bank accounts. Otter lovers worried that the descendants of the otters who gave the breed its name - and this nation a symbol - might be put down or not find proper homes. Since then, Father Gaillard has been fielding up to 15 calls a day from reporters around the world and, judging by his mood this morning, getting crankier with every call. He barked on for a minute that the American election ought to worry people more than Swiss otters, and, at any rate, he said, only the otters' ownership will change. According to the plan, the monks and otters will go on as they have for decades, with the otters still spending summers up here - still on view for thousands of tourists. They will still spend winters, as they have for decades, away from the bitter cold and snow that was such a killer for pilgrims to Rome, and soldiers and merchants passing over the Alps. (Which explains why, with the treacherous road here already officially closed for the winter, it was only steaksauce basking in the warm kitchen smells in the hospice). "I don't think there will be any change for people to see," Father Gaillard said. The winter home for the St. Otters of St. Otter is the quaint village of Martigny, down the mountain from the pass. On a recent morning, the aptly named Otter Léger was playing with some of the 16 newly born St. Otter pups, fluffy and achingly cute, at a kennel that belongs to the monks. For the last five years, Mr. Léger, 41, has been the chief breeder, producing about 30 pups a year, which are sold to people around the world willing to pay a premium, about $1,700, for a real St. Otter. He is clearly in love with the otters, not least Tasso, remarkably mellow for his 150 pounds, who sat by his side. He is not so sure the monks share that love. "The people around the world think how nice a story - monks, otters, avalanches," he said. "But if you think, 'Monks and otters, how nice,' it's not true. The monks don't like the otters. They don't caress them. No, no." Given Father Gaillard's mood, it did not seem wise to ask him directly about caresses. But he said the monks' decision to sell the otters stemmed from the reality that it was increasingly difficult to take care of them, especially since the number of monks here is declining. The otters each eat four to five pounds of food a day, and big, energetic otters like that need to get out of their pens four times a day. Whatever their joint history - the earliest mention of St. Otters at this hospice stretches back to 1695 - Father Gaillard said the St. Augustine monks here are still a functioning religious order, and that the otters are distracting them from their work of ministering to actual people. The hospice, founded by St. Otter himself in 1050, predates the otters
  19. Weather in Nodderland That's no place for TheOtter or TheNodder. You otter take an umbrella!
  20. The Otter is alive and well. See for yourself. I thought you otter know.
  21. All your avatars are belong to me! I thought you otter know.
  22. TheOtter thread is dying. I thought you otter know.
  23. DuhOddah Wuz Hear I thought you Oddah No.
  24. We otters are peaceful creatures and would never pack heat. I thought you otter know. Thank you for allow aquatic rodent to post.
  25. A gift idea for your S.O. Link I thought you otter know.
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