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Everything posted by TrogdortheBurninator

  1. It has actually stayed near freezing in vantage all week. 33 right now. http://www.wsdot.wa.gov/traffic/weather/recentweatherdata.aspx?id=1987 Web cam still shows snow on the ground. Granted, the forecast predicts that whatever residual cold air still remains on the east side should dissipate by the weekend, then temps will probably crawl into the forties.
  2. I have a pair that I got as replacements for my recalled Montrail Crampons. The montrails were the first vertical front point crampon I owned, so that is all I can compare to. With my boots, I do notice more fatiguing than with the montrail, but that may be more a function of boot stiffness than crampon stiffness. They supposedly fixed the short secondary points last year, however they are still pretty shallow compared to some other 'pons. I have used them twice now. They seem to penetrate pretty well and overall seem pretty good. I was worried they wouldnt be secure on my boots, but the seem to hold very solidly. I'd be interested to hear from somone with the first gen and second gen bionics to see how much they really improved the secondary point design.
  3. Thanks Dru, Ill check those out in the book. Maybe we'll go to whistler on the way up and give things time to reform. We'll see.
  4. I will. Right now it looks like the only bad days are thurs, mon, and tues. Forecast says cold again by wednesday. We would probably head up there tuesday afternoon. We also discussed Hyalite, but it sure is a long drive.
  5. Anybody planning on heading to Lillooet after christmas. My wife and I are thinking about heading up there, then down to to whistler. She hasn't really ice climbed before (only TRing at big four). Also, She may want to take a rest day one of the days and I'd love to hook up with somebody else for something a little longer. She is kind of timid but really wants to try ice climbing. I was thinking marble Canyon would be fun for her. I have been looking through west coast ice for other options too. Ideally stuff thats ~30m or less long and can be TRed or TRed after being led. Short approaches are good too. How is the walk off for cherry ice? Sketchy walkoffs and such dont go over too well.
  6. they just showed that video on CNN, complete with cable wit.
  7. They also have montrail lotus women's for $33. How did you come across this?
  8. Sweet deals, but limited sizes. I also saw Vasque Ice 9000s for cheap and some montrail stuff. Sportiva stuff was still pretty expensive.
  9. ems.com has quark ergos for $179 each. Seems like a pretty decent price for these tools.
  10. It looks like things will cool down again up north by friday or saturday. Based on past experience, what areas will stay in and which ones will suffer a horrible fate like this:
  11. I are so suck. Helped friends move yesterday and went to a christmas party today. Went gokarting in tukwila though, and that was fun. Now the weather forecast sucks
  12. Alpental falls is climbable through the step. The snow down low was kind of rotten/snowy on the surface low angle stuff. The upper step had some running water behind it, making things a little bit spicier. What might be the Alpental Strasse Pillar in the book was looking really fat from the road. The north facing stuff in general looked really good.
  13. So come ice climb first, then go DT it up. If now one wants to climb ice, I may join you guys for dry tooling.
  14. I am so confused
  15. It seems that there is a ton of good ice conditions info on the board right now. It would be cool if there were some way to make a master thread sublisted by region and even specific climb.
  16. So tomorrow then. Surely somebody wants to ice climb tomorrow (thursday) afternoon. Maybe one of you DTers wants to climb some Ice before hand. It is sunny and cold outside. What more could you ask for. What if all this ice myseriously melts tomorrow night. Then what will you have? Nothing!
  17. But just think - you could scare the shit out of yourself from 1:00 to 5:00, then mellow out afterwards taking some turns.
  18. Come on everybody, somebody must have just finished finals or be fed up with their job and want to get out for a few hours.
  19. Anybody want to skip out on work early tomorrow and head to alpental for some ice. Maybe leave seattle around 12:00 or 1:00 and climb for a couple hours. If not, maybe thurs early AM. PM me if interested.
  20. I already rebuilt her. It is finished. Stop wasting your time.
  21. How are you spending so much time in LW?
  22. I used to spray mostly on the Bel Biv Devoe fan club board, but I've slowly transitioned over to CC.com. BTW, what are these climbing topics you speak of? Is that part of the secret CC.com hidden website?
  23. BK start is some stout 5.9. Probably more like 10+ IMO. But considering the whole route is like 10B, it isn't that much stiffer than the route grade, just the pitch grade.
  24. Was the skiing ant good? I almost went, but thought it would be icy.
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