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Everything posted by Kitergal

  1. Kitergal

    rough week

    I have a head cold and am sufferering from allergies for the first time in my life, and I just turned 30....yeah..life is hard.
  2. it's Chute-fest this weekend! anyone else going??
  3. I have a group heading to the Far Side. We're meeting at the QFC in Issaquah at 5:30...not sure if that's late enough for you or not! Otherwise...meet us at the far side!
  4. Chopi! Any trip reports? how'd it go?
  5. because some of us aren't good enough to climb nevermind or amazonia w/e!! shade!! How ya supposed to work on a tan if you're in the shade!?!?
  6. 6/28! I'm in for this Wednesday. I've got a full car and a full range of experience coming with me (one doods never been before...EVER and another has a flippen gym that rivals stone gardens in his barn!) so yeah...where you guys gonna be at this week?
  7. I'll be there prob around the same time...meeting prob around the same place! Look for girl in black pants, red back pack and pink rope!! Make sure to say hi and introduce yourselves!!
  8. oh my!
  9. Kitergal

    Hee Hee

    hey...leave Enumclaw outta this one!! The joke specifies TEXAS!!!
  10. I'll be climbing with a buddy at exit 38 tomorrow...if anyone wants to join us...shot me a PM
  11. A pirate walks into a bar...with a steering wheel stuck to his crotch. the bartender looks at him...says...what the fuck? why is there a steering wheel stuck to your crotch?? The pirate says...ARRRGGG!! It's driving me nutz!!! Have a good day ya'all!!
  12. tee hee..never mind...found it!! Sorry..I've been off this site for awhile..I fogot how it works!!
  13. so I'm a little late here...but how'd it go?? any pics or reports?!?! Bummed I just saw this post..I would have loved to have gone!!
  14. discuss! http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/magazine/5016536.stm
  15. AMBER!!! where's the AMBER option??
  16. ski's are for wussies...
  17. yeah...the board is def too long and heavy for me....but I'm not gonna give up on it! (I went from a 154 to a 166 GULP!) And yup.it was a layer of crust. Thanks you guys! Seriously..I was SOOO frusterated by the time I got to the parking lot I almost left the board behind!! Love ya all!! Except for DH who called me retarded!!
  18. Alright!! Practically a month later, 2 resort days on the groomers and I finally did my first BC trip with my split! I LOVE IT! LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT! The splitting, heading up hill..who would of thunk you could ski uphill?? Yeah..sooo sweet!! Love the skins, love the split, love it all. Then got to the top of panorama pt. yesterday....put the board back together...FUN! A little rough with the snow lodged into places...but with the screw thingie...super easy to clear it out and put it back together! SUPER FUN! Love it. BUT...now who's gonna teach me how to snowboard in powder? WTF OVER!! I thought going down was supposed to be the fun part? I seriously struggled sooo hard. I had no clue that riding in powder was SOOO FREAK'IN different than riding on the groomers. I mean heck..I ski crystal..they don't groom crystal! WTF! yeah..so..those of you that board in pow...please explain. WTF OVER!! I'm dying here. I was on by butt Buried more than on my board shredding. HATED IT! The more I would struggle to get back on my feet, the further down I would end up buried. Sucked. Seriously..HATED coming down...loved going up. Please explain the "stance" the front to rear leg weight ratio, what-ever it is that is the "secret to Powder shredding". Seriously...I need help!
  19. http://www.careerbuilder.com/monk-e-mail...-195852828-W9-2 This is the BEST waste of time EVER!!! EVER!! Arch..you'll have one in your e-mail shortly!!
  20. anyone head'in up there sunday? I'll be there with some buddies...
  21. The more I look at this photo...the more disturbing it gets!! Sorry I missed it guys! Had every intention on going...'til I took a nap and didn't wake up til 9pm.
  22. dood...you post this now?? I totally would have been in...but my weekends get booked out by Monday morning!! BUMMER!!
  23. I'm SOOO THERE!! I love sausage!!
  24. Kitergal


  25. Kitergal


    "After lunch, Sunny Kobe Cook, founder of Sleep Country, USA, (another company with a well-known jingle that I also have never heard) gave a keynote in which she emphasized the importance of recognizing that every employee is a paid spokesperson for your company. She referred to a recent Gallup poll that revealed a majority of employees being "disengaged" as a result of not receiving sufficient recognition, opportunities to make significant contributions, and/or not having a sense of belonging in their workplaces. A story about an assistant driver for Sleep Country, USA, who described himself as "Sunny's Goodwill Ambassador" provided an example of how she had created a culture of engagement in the company she founded." http://gumption.typepad.com/blog/2005/11/nwen_entreprene.html
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