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Everything posted by Kitergal

  1. k. how much for the blue shovel?? PM me..I want it!
  2. dude...did you rip off a climbing store or something?? what's with all the MSR fuel bottles!!
  4. are explosions and crashing the same thing??
  5. can't tomorrow..I'm picking up my cool new mt. bike! next week?? I'm open M-F!
  6. can kidless people go if they act like kids??
  7. Hawt dates?? or bad dates??
  8. snowbyrd- I'll climb with ya anytime! I'm soo glad you're back! I missed ya girlie!!
  9. can you guys find a kid for me to borrow?? I wanna goo!!!
  10. Did someone say power tool???
  11. Ok..I ignored this tread...now I wish I didn't. I did Rainier this past weekend, on the way to Muir, my tangerine flavored powergel, exploded in my shorts pocket. YUK. Sticky, icky, and yuk. The next day (middle of the night, what-ever you call it) on the way up from muir....my raspberry flavored hammerhead gel exploded in the top compartment of my back pack. YUK! WTF! Why are they exploding?
  12. FOREST M I LOVE YOU!!! I swear..I'd give you a big wett kiss if you were here!! IT WORKED!! YOU ROCK!!
  13. yeah..I laughed that he brought it too..but it's a new toy! He was trying it out! It's actually a pretty freak'in cool gizmo! It'll come in handy for other trips!!
  14. ooo..the distiller idea just might work!! What really irks me..is the fact that there are two areas where I've used the exact same font, bullets, etc. One of which exports no problem, and the other one...where I REALLY need them...won't export! UGGG
  15. I've tried different font...and it's the same BS! THIS SUCKS!! WTF!!
  16. I am about to go ballistic here. HOW does one export bullets from freehand to a PDF file? I'm working on a freak'in brochure here...and the damn bullets disappear EVERY STINKIN TIME I export it to pdf. WHY!?!?! I've tried regular bullets, dots, slashes, stars, lines, you name it and they DISAPPEAR!! WHY!! WHY WHY WHY!!!!!
  17. GROSS!! What is wrong with you guys!! UGGGGG YUCKY!
  18. wow...three page bottoms in one day! And I'm not even trying!! fun! funny....like all warm and tingly
  19. I like big words...they make me feel kinda funny..
  20. ewwww...bad visual...
  21. OMFG!! That was some of the funniest shiznit I've read in a while!! Anyone who's launched a boat, or has witnessed boat launching totally understands!! Definately submit to boating mags!! THAT WAS AWESOME!! Thanks for sharing!!
  22. wow. yeah. I dunno. That wouldn't exactly work for me. Maybe they're fake boobies?? They don't move around as much.
  23. ok. and what-ever that beer is, that they call the "climbers beer" in the bar two doors down from Second Ascent in Ballard. That shiznit is the BOMB!! btw...two page bottoms in a row for me!! That's cool huh? Am I a part of the cool kids club yet??
  24. buy the "supporting" bikini tops! I wear mine kiteboarding as well. I can do tricks and jumps and they never fall out. It's not the stringy, barely there type of bikini top, but it's very supportive and full coverage!
  25. The boobs or the partner??
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