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Everything posted by nalo

  1. I've got a few of those big helical screws for securing your dog's rope in your backyard, think those'd make good protection?
  2. good luck w/ the weather I'd love to hop on that bad boy... not quite yet though end of the summer I'll be ready, maybe
  3. nalo


    i want to see the correlation betweeen gender and singleness. we need 4 categories male attatched male single female attatched female single
  4. Hey I'm all for beta, solicited or unsolicited. Even better, maybe, would be for someone who knows what's up with the route to volunteer to be my partner... I'm pretty sure I would be fine, but I really don't want to have a crappy time or worse up there.
  5. How you know all this? You've climbed the route, or just researched it extensively. And really, though, you can just french free through the bolted pitches if they're too hard... I'm not sure I can climb them either after climbing all the rock below them...
  6. OK, assholes. I know I may not have succeeded in my attempts to find a partner to get up this route in the past, but I'm trying again. :fuck you: to who ever drug this old stuff up. I'm serious, I'm trying to learn some more trad, and I'm still excited about this route.
  7. I know that there are no trad pitches that are tricky relative to the sport pitches, but arent there some trad pitches that are tricky relative to the other trad pitches? If not, I modify my original question, who wants to follow an inexperienced but strong climber up into the alpine unknown?
  8. I'll lead the sport pitches if you'll lead the trickier trad pitches, what do you say? thanks
  9. able schmable let's go!
  10. cmon, 7 climbers read this post and noone wants to go?
  11. c'mon CCers! hook me up! It's really nice, I'm skipping class, and I wanna go clip some bolts! .11 or so sport lead... call me by five or I'm just gonna go drinkin instead -jesse 360.820.3268
  12. just for fun you could do dynamic drop tests on it, with some static cord and some weights and stuff.
  13. neighbors smoking pot are you serious?!?!? should be
  14. hey thanks Darren, if this was that other message board I'd K+ ya.
  15. nalo

    Bear v Shark

    You idiots! Don't you know that sharks and bears are "nature's best friends"? I mean, space ghost did make a flippin documentary about it! "Why do sharks explode? This is because sometimes their brains and sexual organs are made out of M-80's. Sometimes, to attract mates, a shark will explode. And sometimes they explode just to attract giant killer bees."
  16. Does anyone know of a video rental place in seattle that's got climbing videos for me to check out? thanks
  17. but what about endfest?
  18. I climbed that bitch! It was way fun. I would totally recommend it. The first pitch is kinda scary, though. After moving up and right throught some easy stuff, easy nut/largish cam protection, you move onto this ~75 degree ramp. If not for all the moss it would be easy, but its scary cause it feels like you could slip off at any moment and protection is very hard won. There's a thin seam on the left side that will poorly accept some largish micronuts or maybe zero cams if you had them ( I don't). After that, your on bolts to the top. Second pitch has a great, comfy belay stance from which to watch in amusement as your partner flails up some fun stemming and then difficult crimping sections. Crux comes in the form of a tough deadpoint about 3/4 of the way up this pitch. Hanging belay above sucks, I'd recommend continuing one bolt higher, making a natural pro/bolt anchor, and belaying from a more comfortable stance. Also, there's kind f some runout after the first bolt on pitch three, with the potential for fall factor >1 falls, so bring some small nuts to stick behind this semi detatched flake. From there, it's just like climbing at the orange wall at mt. erie, and then your done and are rewarded with killer views. PLus, if there are any families up there, they will yell up to you and ask If they need to call someone and get you rescued. good fun
  19. nalo

    Hey Distel! - Job

    sounds like he could do that sans pinkey
  20. nalo

    i suck

    I failed mine too, and I've been leading outside for about 6 years. I stepped over the rope in such a way that a fall could have flipped me over. If I had thought I might fall, I wouldn't have done it. Pablo was not impressed.
  21. Sorry guys, turns out I won't be going climbing afterall... Originally, I was like "screw the superbowl I wanna climb!" but now there's a girl involved so priorities have shifted. sounds like there is enough interest among you old farts to get together and have a grand old time comparing your WWI memorobelia!
  22. What? NNOoOOOOooooo I'm sure the forcast will be better by then... and really as long as it isn't raining I don't care. And if it's raining, I'll climb overhangs. Nevermind stays pretty dry... Anyway, who wants to be my if-the-weather's-good partner?
  23. I'm finally not going to be working and am looking forward to putting this killer weather to some good use. I climb low 11s poorly. Probably looking at 38, if you need a partner, hit me up. It would be cool if you were around my age (22) and down. thanks -jesse
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