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Everything posted by snugtop

  1. I've only been in there once but the salesguy was nice and spent a lot of time helping me pick out boots. I like that they don't pounce on you when you walk in about memberships.
  2. snugtop

    Wimmin's clothes

    They say Marilyn Monroe was like a size 12? Well she'd be like a 4 in today's sizes...they keep "inflating" the sizes to hoodwink you into buying clothes that appear to be small sizes("oh it's a 4, I'll buy it!") I should add that this scam works on me.
  3. snugtop

    Wimmin's clothes

    I just wish they would size them like men's clothes...with inches instead of the totally subjective 0-12 system.
  4. snugtop


    If George Bush gets reelected, I'm applying for Canadian citizenship.
  5. IG, I heard Fred Beckey's looking for a roommate
  6. Check out Camp Happy Paws or Bone-a-Fide dog Ranch. It's pricey and not in-home, but the dogs have a blast. It's like sleepaway camp for them.
  7. www.cascadegrotto.org Show up to a meeting (3rd Thursday of the month) Meeting's about an hour then pizza and beer.
  8. Thunderclouds pushed us underground this Saturday...headed up to Cave Ridge near Alpental. After one false start on the trail, Ken 4ord, Loose Brei and myself headed up the climbers trail. We scrambled up for about 45 minutes, making sure to stop, some of us for the stunning Mount Rainier view, other for a quick Virginia Slim (menthol). We found the first cave ("Hellhole") with relative ease, and headed down a VERY tight squeeze, and into a 30-40 foot chimney. The chimney is a bit claustrophobic but widened at the bottom. One caver--ok me!--asked for a belay here. Being in vertical chimney with water dripping from the snow above, the limestone was quite clean and took on a marbly texture and grey-white color. Gloves would have been good here; the wet rock was quite cold. Next to the chimny room, a larger room with a low ceiling led to a ledge, blocked by a few large rocks, over another 30ft drop, some it free hanging. Ken, our expert spenlunker, set up an anchor with a cam and a chockstone. It's probably woth noting at some point that the caves in this area are all technical (not walk in) and to bring appropriate gear--in this case, rope, ascenders, aiders, a belay device and a small rack. (Or so I'm told!) We rapped another 30 feet over down to the main chamber in the cave, a wider room with passages leading in several directions. We scrambled down to the lowest point we could reach, and a followed slimy dirt ramp up as far we could go but alas, it dead ended. going back to the main room, Ken and Loose Brei found some potential passages, one squeeze looked like it might continue, but having one too many beers at the last pub club, I feared I might get stuck. And, I should note, it's easy to get cold in there--it's very wet and your clothing is constantly getting brushed against the rock. Caves have one thing in common with spray--no matter what you go in with, you're going to come out slashed and soiled. I received a 2-minute introduction to jumars are etriers, and managed to haul my dirty ass up the line. Ken and Loose Brei moved a little faster and pretty soon we were climbing up the first squeeze, then blinking madly in the bright snowy sunlight. Ken found another cave that looked more promising, with fixed lines and a bit drier. Perhaps for another day. 1,500 feet and three 'Slims later, we emerged at the trailhead caked in mud and a bit scratched up. Returning to our meeting point at Tully's, Ken declared that I looked like a homeless junkie who lived under a bridge. Luckily, they still served me a latte.
  9. "The experienced medical observer will learn in time to distinguish the various members of the Professor's accompanying crew of assorted limpets. They consist of Senior Yes-Men, Second Yes-Men, Vice-Yessers, Junior Yes-Men and Nodders. Putting it as briefly as possible for the lay mind, a -steaksauce is something like a Yes-Man, only lower on the social scale. A Yes-person's duty is to attend case conferences and say: "Yes." A -steaksauce's, as the name implies, is to -steaksauce. Gathered round the bed on which the specimen under examination lies prone, the Professor throws out some statement of opinion, and looks about him expectantly. This is the cue for the senior Yes-Man, or consultant to say "yes". He is followed, in order of precedence, by the second Yes-Man or senior registrar, as he is sometimes called, Vice-Yesser or registrar and the junior Yes-man or houseman. Only when all the Yes-Men have yessed do the Nodders begin to function. They -steaksauce. True, it may not sound like much of a job. Not very exulted. However, there is also a class of untouchables who are known as -steaksauce's Assistants or junior doctors. The -steaksauce's Assistant or junior doctor is to be found on the outskirts of the charmed bed circle. Not only is he never to be seen oscillating the bean, but he has, in addition, the general outlook and appearance of one stuffed by a half-hearted taxidermist. He will be wearing a suit into which he has been poured at 3 o'clock the previous afternoon, and habitually be seen staring into the middle distance as if in a sort of miasma or trance. When his eye is caught he will blush becomingly and turn his head away, like a shy, wild rose caught in a sudden, fragrant breeze. "
  10. snugtop


    'tis burninating Capitol Hill
  11. snugtop

    evil cc.com

    Now this is funny
  12. snugtop

    spray blows

    Actually, he's kinda cute. Needs a haircut and a pedicure though. Not necessarily in that order. Someone show those pix to Addie's girlfriend in Portland.
  13. snugtop

    9/11 hearings

    Fascinating stuff... I'm proud to say that the 9/11 commission is held at my alma mater (which nobody had ever heard of prior to it!) Too bad it's not Bob Kerrey on the democratic ticket.
  14. Can't Greg W get you a real one?
  15. For the record, my guess was closer than Loosey's
  16. Yeah but Jon & Timmy could generate some revenue but charging a subscription fee to the dating forum. Think of the butt shots that would show up in the singles photo gallery!
  17. Dru, you should be busy compiling your "Best of Dru's threads" thread....
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