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Everything posted by snugtop

  1. snugtop

    Pub Club?

    What about PC this week? How bout da Sloop?
  2. Woman stopped at Logan with $46,950 sues DEA By Shelley Murphy, Globe Staff | June 23, 2005 A Quincy woman who tried to board a plane at Logan International Airport in February with $46,950 stuffed inside her bra says she was heading to Texas for plastic surgery on her buttocks and breast. But, in a lawsuit filed yesterday, Ileana Valdez said a male Drug Enforcement Administration agent told her she had a ''nice body" and didn't need any surgery -- then seized the cash, claiming it was drug money. Valdez, 26, a single mother who was born in the Dominican Republic and is a US citizen, is petitioning to get the cash back in the suit filed yesterday in US District Court in Boston against the DEA. Her suit says she has no criminal record. ''How can you make a determination that people don't need cosmetic surgery?" said Boston lawyer Tony V. Blaize, who filed the suit on behalf of Valdez. ''I can't tell Michael Jackson he doesn't need more plastic surgery, even though I don't think he does." Anthony Pettigrew, a spokesman for the DEA in Boston, said he couldn't comment on the lawsuit. But he said that federal asset forfeiture laws allow agents to seize suspected drug profits. Although passengers have to file a currency report if carrying $10,000 or more in cash out of the country, they don't have to file such reports while traveling within the United States, Pettigrew said. In her suit, Valdez says she earned the money from selling a Dorchester multi-service business and two parcels of property in Jamaica Plain. She said she withdrew all of her money from the bank to prevent creditors from getting the cash. Blaize said Valdez was stopped while she was passing through a metal detector. ''I don't know why she was carrying it in her bra," said Blaize, adding that she probably felt the cash was safer on her body. © Copyright 2005 Globe Newspaper Company.
  3. no...Tantra is covered at the "Daily intimate personal experience presentation"
  4. can I bring my dog? I wanna sign up for the dog-human speed ascent workshop.
  5. When not in the field, participants will be staying in Snowbird's award-winning Cliff Lodge "Spa Level" rooms. Each day in resort will include spa treatments, yoga, nutritious gourmet meals and full time access to the private Summit Room for movies and snacks. Daily intimate personal experience presentation topics run the gamut from what went right and terribly wrong on Everest in May 1996, to mental and physical preparation for extreme challenges. While in the field yurt and tent accommodations, hot showers, and nutritious feasts will ensure you the mental and physical stamina to maximize each day's offerings.
  6. continued... The Seattle Trifecta was documented and verified by officials from moundainspeedclimbing.com. The moundainspeedclimbing team consisted of Fido's imagination. The team verified departure and summit times, took no photographs or video footage, and assisted the climbers with route finding, but offered no additional climbing or transportation support. Fido, organizer of the moundainspeedclimbing team, was not impressed with their athletic accomplishment, but admired the attitude with which the climbers approached the Trifecta. “Even though they had this goal of doing the Trifecta as fast as they could, you never got the impression that this was their top priority. It was to have fun, and enjoy the experience. These two things would not be compromised for the sake of shaving off a couple of minutes from their overall time. They were very interactive and social with our team, stopping frequently to talk, snap photos, and express their appreciation for our efforts. But I did it in 14 hours."
  7. ...continued... A link-up of Capitol/First Hill, Queen Anne Hill, and Beacon Hill in a single effort has never before been documented. The effort by Snugtop and TheJiggler is a newly established moundaineering speed record. Adverse weather and traffic conditions on Capitol Hill and I-5 slowed the climbers considerably from their planned schedule. In one instance, TheJiggler fell into a Starbucks on Queen Anne Hill upon the collapse of good judgement and will power. TheJiggler was able to extract himself from the Starbucks. Both were well-equipped and skilled moundaineers. “We had hoped to go under 24 hours,” said TheJiggler, “but we know that would be very hard, and conditions were not optimal, especially on Capitol Hill where we had to move slowly to stay safe.” He added, “The trip was especially unrewarding for me, since I do part of this drive every day."
  8. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Seattle Trifecta Completed in Record 28 Hours Back-to-back climbs of Queen Anne, Capitol Hill, and Beacon Hill, dubbed the Seattle Trifecta, were accomplished in a record 28 hours and 1 minute by two low- endurance athletes (and 27,000 vehicles). Snugtop, 28, and TheJiggler, 32, departed the 65th Street Park & Ride at 2:42 AM, June 9th, and arrived at the Space Needle, after climbing the standard routes of Queen Anne Hill, Capitol Hill, and Beacon Hill, and driving by car between each of the three mounds. Capitol/First Hill (520 ft. from Volunteer Park water towner summit), Queen Anne (450 ft.) and Beacon Hill (407 ft.) are the three highest mounds in the Seattle range. Accomplishing the feat required Snugtop and TheJiggler to traverse 12 miles and step on 6 pieces of dog shit.
  9. When do we start talking about the alligators in the sewers of NYC?
  10. Marie, please, drink in nodderation.
  11. snugtop

    Happy Birthday to

    FTY, did you get your birthday spanks?
  12. Firefighters also have an unseemly propensity to catcalling. I know I'll prolly take a lot of crap for saying it but it's true. It's a boys-club and they seem to think that because they are sometimes in emergency situations this should exempt them from normal, professional behavior. Every time I go running and a firetruck goes by I hear them shouting shit at me. It doesn't matter what you look like, or what you are wearing, if you are a woman walking down a street alone, the firefighters feel perfectly comfortble harrassing you.
  13. When all else fails, try TheJiggler.
  14. Too many hackey sackers.
  15. Has anyone trained with them? What's the scoop?
  16. Well looks like you wankers ditched me. I think I'll show up around 8 anyway; I'll be the haggard old alchie at the bar.
  17. snugtop

    No Coffee

    Some people will bend over backwards for their morning coffeee.... The tea party offer still stands btw.
  18. I propose The Canturbury. Any takers?
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