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Everything posted by ashw_justin

  1. Did anyone else see ExtremoMtDude's guest appearance on South Park?
  2. Cool... I've been up to Sehome a couple of times only the top section. I also want to go do more routes on the Orange Wall at Erie. We only got to do one last time before it started raining.
  3. Anyway, did the bouldering go down? Will there be another chance to get schooling (schooled) by Distel?
  4. Quiet you! Someone would have to be climbing the Roosevelt Glacier to run accross my glove... Luckily the one old glove and one new glove complement each other...
  5. FOUND! But I didn't know that when I went up to look for it again in the rain...
  6. Okay I'll try to fill in the blanks. 'Has anyone ever floated (rafted/canoed/kayaked/swam?) the Skykomish River from the High Bridge (near the town of Gold Bar) down to Sultan?' Is that what you meant? That stretch is class II, 18 feet per mile, 8.5 miles. The Skykomish is running at around 7000 cubic feet per second, which is a high flow. What kind of craft do you intend to use?
  7. Whatever man. That's only the beginning with this post. It makes very little sense, and I'm a WW paddler.
  8. how do you float a high bridge I don't understand what you are talking about. I'll hazard a guess: are you talking about kayaking/canoeing a class I stretch of the Skykomish River?
  9. no way man you lose like 10 of your last 's for that!
  10. Wul dang, ain't that what the shotgun's for? ...you know, to help cut the tree down. (sorry, couldn't resist )
  11. pshh... life is a fatal accident.
  12. Lost on Thursday, my ice tool is almost definitely sitting in the snow somewhere along the cowpath between 6000 and 7000 feet. Please PM me if found. I can describe its uniqueness.
  13. We were just heading out from the Mt. Baker high camp around 2 am to climb, when all of a sudden this huge streak of orange and red set the sky ablaze. What a sendoff!
  14. Recent heavy snowfall persisted as awesome packed powder until today (Thursday) when things started to warm up and get gloppy. Until it snows again, or until this new snow has time to trasform into corn snow, I'd expect to see heavy wet snow except near the summit where it may remain cold enough to preserve the dry snow. Depending on the freezing level, the snow may crust up. In any case my advice is to take skis unless, like some people, you enjoy post-holing in slush. Route-finding on the Coleman-Deming is straightforward. Crevasses are very minimal. Do not go anywhere near the Colfax icefall (on the right). Semi-truck sized chunks calved off of it today.
  15. Well I have the exact same view of the gun interests. "They're taking away you're rights" and "one day you will need to protect yourself" and everybody's favorite "from my cold, dead hands!" Oh yeah and "Deyh tuk our jobs!"
  16. Hey man, I have 59 minutes left to spray.
  17. Greg_W, I respect your fairly voiced opinions, but... There may be a conspiracy to take the guns out of the hands of law-abiding citizens but I'm fairly certain that anti-gun advocates would rather have limited funds than be shot to death... and let's not EVEN get into the influence of the lobbying of the firearm industry. But just look what happened to cigarettes. And they're not nearly as lethal as guns!
  18. Jon Fowlkes runs Sunset Falls at two-and-a-half times the recommended flow: Foggy morning on the way to the Oyster Dome:
  19. Hey, have you ever thought that you might get better if you learned how to down-climb? Yeah, sometime two years ago. What makes you think that I am incapable of downclimbing? I wouldn't be bagging on downclimbing as an onsighting strategy if I didn't know how to do it. I am not that lame. Oh, I'm sorry, maybe you wanted me to get all pissed off instead so people can keep ripping on me? Folks I am not saying that you suck of you downclimb. I don't think downclimbing is stupid. I recognize its usefulness in appropriate situations. I'm just of the mentality that if you want to send something first try, stop wasting time and just bust it out. Maybe I'm mistaken but I think this is actually a pretty widespread sentiment in the realm of climbing.
  20. A well-reasoned, thoughtful argument. But you make many assumptions that are biased. First, that you are unsafe without carrying a gun. This is a pretty clear feeling among people who carry guns; that someday you will be faced with a dangerous situation that only having a gun will be able solve. While I agree that a gun is a very powerful means of defending yourself, I think it's pretty narrow-minded to think that carrying a gun makes you safe. You get attacked from behind, or someone gets close enough to wrestle you, or god forbid they have guns, then your advantage is nullified. Not to mention if you pull out a gun, you are more likely to be shot by anyone else who happens to have one. And they don't have one, they may take yours and shoot you with it. Now picture this. Every single person walking down the street is carrying a gun. Now every little dispute has the potential of turning into a gun-battle massacre. I'm sure you can think of many people whom you would rather not see packing heat. It is an undeniable certainty that if more people carried guns, more people would be shot to death. As to our "fear" you speak of. It is belittling and all to convenient for you to describe people who are anti-gun as deluded, and this borders on insult. Of course we know the world is dangerous. Of course we know that there will be times of powerlessness and disaster. But the point is, we believe that having more guns around is only going to increase the probability of being shot by someone. This is simple statistical logic, and once you factor in the aggression-prone nature of human beings you have a recipe for widespread slaughter. And it's already happening as we speak. There is a particular argument, that most "bad people" or "outlaws" carry guns, so we need to have guns ourselves to protect ourselves. But the irony is that for every gun manufactured for sale to an honest and responsible gun enthusiast, there is one more gun that can potentially fall into the hands of someone who would use it criminally. You assert that responsible gun owners know when not to "indescriminately" fire their weapons. Well this is exactly what were talking about in the first place. Who knows if the shooter was being descriminate when he plugged 3 rounds into a guy's chest? Are we just supposed to trust that being licensed to carry a gun automatically makes you safe with a gun in your hands? I think this is riduculous. The bottom line of my fear is that I don't trust everybody with guns. I don't even trust cops with guns anymore, after several people including women have been shot to death in the Northwest without ever producing a weapon. The point is that a gun turns a little bit of and uncertainty into instant death. No I do not find that acceptable. Choice? I don't want everybody and their mommy to have the choice to blow me away at any moment. People make bad choices all of the time. I don't want someone else's bad choice to be my death warrant.
  21. It does if the last time you shot one was when you were 12 years old. OK, read slower this time. Your gun education is in no way related to, and can in no way affect, my gun education. Are you following now? Now if you are trying to say that you are more familiar with guns than I am at this present time, then just go ahead and say it. Instead of trying to employ some oblique smartass comment, and messing up. And by the way, I said ".357", not "gun."
  22. Sounds like he needs more practice downclimbing . . . You show me downclimbing on Smith face and I'll show somebody wasting their time on climbs that are too easy... this is just retarded, stop before somebody kicks your ass Oh whatever man you know I'm right, this is just turning into mob mentality now. And that's retarded. You want this BS to end, then stop talking shit.
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