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Everything posted by ashw_justin

  1. Well as far as I know just some smaller sub-peaks. But I'll have to go climb South Twin now so I can take a look.
  2. You just need one Big Wall Crashphad, which you anchor to the wall before doing the problem
  3. 5": 13 7": 4 beta on the sale conditions http://www.rei.com/online/store/Search?storeId=8001&query=*&link=1&days_old=30&cat=4500002&sortby=date_added
  4. I can think of at least three approaches in my backyard that have drastically changed due to snow conditions in the past month. Being prepared is important, yes. But that's exactly why we ask these kinds of questions, so that we know what to prepare for.
  5. ashw_justin


    Man I would go. Someday... someday. I lived in Ecuador for several months and everyone there talked about how cool Chile and Argetina were. I don't know, ask Gustavo Ceratti. He shows up on chat sometimes.
  6. Haha you're crazy man. Last time I seriously did squats and deadlifts was in high school PE (we took weight training so we wouldn't have to play volleyball and crap). I once serious screwed up my back doing box squats by twisting a little with almost 300 lbs on my back (275?). Then there were the power cleans, talk about core power... Ok time for spray. Hullo caller, how much yah bench? I put up 225 once in the college days. But I'm just a little guy. Hey man, when I start going to the U maybe I'll have to come be your lifting buddy.
  7. Climb: North Twin Sister-West Ridge Date of Climb: 6/8/2004 Trip Report: Started at the MF Nooksack bridge around 7 am. Lugged my bike and snowboard up to mile 2.5 then onto the traverse road/trail. Ditched bike and hiked up the second road to the left (#9100, I believe). The ridge was snow-free and the route is even a hiking trail at times. I still managed to encounter some psuedo-rockclimbing out of stubborness to stay close to the ridgeline. Summit around 11 am, snowboarded down North Face which was kinda steep and slushy. Rocks beginning to show through at the top. Back to the car at 1 pm. This is what I think is referred to "the obelisk" in the Becky Guide: Shot of the North Face. Slush avys took out some of my tracks, but didn't get me. Gear Notes: Bike. Snowboard. Helmet. Approach Notes: The only real snow encountered is on the North Face.
  8. Well I guess I'm just not convinced that having skis on my back would prevent me from climbing the ice. Especially if we actually looked around for the easy way up...
  9. Well we did the traverse over to the North Ridge last week and there's no way I'm doing it again in soft snow unless I can skin! Yeah, we had slowshoes. But I'm a recently-converted splitboard-snob so don't listen to me... We also camped at the high camp and were able to pull off a high traverse right next to the base of the Roman Nose. I think it saved some time, although I think we only camped at high camp because we did the alternative approach from the parking lot.
  10. Alright nevermind. Going for North Twin Sister tomorrow morning, then Mt. Erie in the evening with Thadsboner. So if anyone wants to hit Mt. Erie after around 5 pm then PM either he or I. Or if you want to come to North Twin be at the bridge/trailhead with a bike by 7:00 am.
  11. heheh... here's the thing. This was the second glove I have dropped on Baker. And buy some ironic stroke of luck the old and new glove make a pair. But maybe if you wanted to split a pair of new gloves? That would be cool, but I need the right hand. Which one for you?
  12. Alright well, if nobody wants to ski, then does anybody want to go to Mt. Erie? (Anacortes) 5.10 sport climbing and maybe some multipitch trad...
  13. Tomorrow Tuesday June 8th. One-day ski of Mt. Baker. Coleman-Deming as default. Possible freshies, expect to skin. PM me.
  14. It was raining at 7000 feet on Saturday morning around sunrise. Some cold temps might generate some refreezing. It should be light rain all week so maybe this will pack down the snow.
  15. The funny thing is that even though we are completely honest about what we do, there is very little that we could be construed to be guilty of. Just think if this were a snowmobiling, fishing, hunting, four-wheeling, or you-name-your-sport forum. I bet there would be some serious dirt. But I think as climbers were pretty damn, almost pathetically, conformative and law-abiding...
  16. man he sure looks fiesty. meowr!
  17. Part of respecting and accepting each other is being honest, being able to debate and to voice criticism. Reagan deserves better than having us all blow perfume up his...
  18. Hey they're not dead either! But don't let that stop you from pissing on them...
  19. Hitler? Dahmer? McVeigh? Harris and Klebold? Some do deserve for their names to be smeared in shit for the rest of eternity... but Ronald Reagan is not one of them. Neither are Michael Moore or Fidel Castro... and I don't think they would like you talking about them as if they were already dead! However I think it is still fair to continue political discussion (or criticism), as long it is genuine, even following the death of a political icon. That is just part of the life (and death) that a politician choses for him/herself. It's part of their importance and significance.
  20. Went looking for my ice tool at Baker CD high camp at sunrise on Sat. Didn't find it, got rained on. Got home, found message from the guy who did.
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