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Everything posted by Blake

  1. Blake

    Random trivia

    oh, i didn't read the question right Dru, Derrick Stanbury?
  2. Blake

    Random trivia

    A.H. MacCarthy, H.F. Lambart, A. CarpÈ, W.W. Foster, N. Read, and A. Taylor, in 1925 Who was the first black Major Leage Baseball player?
  3. http://www.prnewswire.com/cgi-bin/stories.pl?ACCT=104&STORY=/www/story/02-02-2004/0002101118&EDATE=
  4. Blake

    Random trivia

    I got the idea for this by thinking what would be better than all these presidential debates, then I got it.. a big Trivial Pursuit game! Seriously, they should air presidetial Jeopardy, Trivial Pursuit, and a scrabble game, I'd enjoy watching GWB squirm. Ok, post a question of any kind, climbing related is even better. What other company was Black Diamond eqipment formerly half (or at least a part) of?
  5. That gollum pic wins the prize for most appearances on this site.
  6. Pic 3, the Triplets, from low on Sahale Arm.
  7. I think if gore had won in 2000 Clark would be running for the Elephant nomination right now.
  8. I like this scott fellow...
  9. These stories are great! wow Ok, here's on to try on your next camping trip. Take a can of vegetable grease, or bacon grease.. something along these lines. you only need a few inches of grease in an open aluminum can. Put this open grease can into the fire and get it HOT. Then you tie another can with the top cut off, into the crook of a large limb. After filling this can with cold water and allowing your grease can in the fire to get quite hot, stand back and dump the cold water into the hot grease from several feet above. Watch the explosion. Usually a 10' bough is long enough to keep you ok.
  10. Blake

    i hate

    hate crimes legislation.
  11. thos idiots, i knew that would happen. Grab a shovel and just dig it out!
  12. I'd recomend a more readable Ampersand
  13. he hasn't insulted enough people yet to be Trask.
  14. Blake

    good music

    What happened to grunge? I didn't know WA had "Fine" hip hop.. if it exists at all.
  15. oh yeah, i like your boat animation though
  16. how long is this charade going on for?
  17. i think we are getting more wussy, less enterprising, less willing to accept personal responsibility, more lawsuit-happy, and a bnuch of other bad crap.
  18. 3 pin = tele ?
  19. or www.westfly.com but those are both non-CA sites
  20. there are no triple words scores in boggle.. that's scrabble fool.
  21. anyone up for "Name that Lake" I might be able to throw some up some peaks with peaks in teh background...
  22. Hey Klenke, I really like your summitpost pictures with the peaks named, panorama style. I might have already asked you this, but have you been to Bannock Lakes? or climbed near there?
  23. Yep.. that is right klenke. Isn't that Chiwawa on the right side though?
  24. Last one for now, until I just throwing up random pics of nameless peaks and having Klenke tell me what named places they are next to.
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