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Everything posted by sal

  1. DFA- you'll just have to sit in the corner and watch. we saw you it the paste last time.
  2. sal

    Well Done!

    nahhh...triathalons are for people who lack the discipline to focus on being truly good at one sport. buncha frikkin scatterbrains
  3. If I were feeling more energetic, my response to this post would be to photochop the gollum picture and paste Erik's mug on there.... Anyone else wanna adopt the project? SEND SEND SEND!!! you mean that's not erik?
  4. sal

    Cracked is....

    no shite! 80some posts about cracked? cripes and i thought i had no life!
  5. sal

    good news from iraq

    erik you really must quit reading media from outside the us. how can you possibly maintain that nice warm fuzzy feeling otherwise?? glad to see we're doing our best as a nation to rebuild theirs
  6. sal

    Music taste?

    Like Yo Yo Ma? and casal and du pre the stuff Ma did Mayer(sp?) on bass
  7. no secret roadside bivvies b/c i usually crash in the driveway of a friends house in S. OR. worst places ever: bucksnort TN a) it was TN b) it wasn't that far off an interstate and i still heard gun fire as well as squealing animals close second: hwy 18, near tiger mtn, on the way home very late from tacoma, decided to have a quick nap. i'm startled awake by the tap tap of on my window. police officers giving me the third degree
  8. and your brain the smallest
  9. sal

    Rule Of Thumb

    Is this law still in effect? How do you feel about it? Is it only for spouses, or does it apply to girlfriends as well? i am all in favor of it as long as it goes both ways
  10. sal

    Rule Of Thumb

    glad to know i was totally misinformed. i had actually heard that quite some time ago. from some teacher in HS!
  11. sal

    Rule Of Thumb

    do you know or are you just trying to troll? the origin of this phrase comes from the way back when. men where allowed to beat their wayward wives if they chose but they could not do it w/a stick or anything larger around than their thumb.
  12. but you're right, yukky stuff, all of it but what i really can't stand is the smell of peanut butter
  13. purely sentimental b/c the climbing isn't great. spring mountain...it's where i cut my teeth so to speak
  14. Wow. Who is that? no kidding! i think i'm in love
  15. sal

    Ban huge asses

    regardless of BMI the article also states that 1 in 50 are more than 100 pounds overweight! no amount of discrepancy w/BMI makes that stat any less horrifying.
  16. sal

    More on taxes

    national sales tax? anyone care to comment
  17. trask has been performing that role for quite some time
  18. sal

    More on taxes

    Oh, but I disagree. You must look at this logically, and apply reason. How else can you analyze this? Use whatever word you want, 'fairness', 'equity', whatever. The bottom line point I was making is that simply because someone has created more wealth for himself than others, doesn't automatically mean that the government is entitled to more of it on a percentage basis.
  19. frankly, i think the insulting of the 15 yr old girl, who isn't even here defending herself is a bit much.
  20. sal

    More on taxes

    hey PP, could you provide a link to that info? i have a friend who would enjoy this.
  21. sal

    Road Trip

    i drove from seattle to west palm, FL in 4 days and it wasn't that hard. i think i could've done it faster 20 minute naps work miracles
  22. talk to them, they were the ones with the dur-t hooves
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