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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. we're all in the same gang
  2. ya, and besides, minx likes it.
  3. My love is bigger than your love We take more drugs than a touring funk band Sing it My love is bigger than your love Sing it My love is bigger than your love Sing it My band is better than your band We've got more songs than a song convention Sing it My love is bigger than your love Sing it My love is bigger than your love Sing it And we're all going straight to hell
  4. it isn't funny. it just was story that included farm animals, so I thought you'd be interested archie. that little guy is just writhing in pain from eating something that didn't agree with him.
  5. http://www.cnn.com/2005/WORLD/africa/07/27/clinton.kenya.ap/index.html
  6. Believe it or not, I'm walking on air. I never thought I could feel so free eee eee. Flying away on a wing and a prayer. Who could it be? Believe it or not it's just me.
  7. olyclimber


  8. olyclimber

    Sounds of Science

    I believe that noise they're hearing is tribbles.
  9. She's a genie in a bottle, you gotta rub her the right way
  10. Those guys sold out a long time ago.
  11. I don't see why the WCC as an organization can't help facilitate this, but I believe the WCC could definitely use some more support. I think is it possible some of you don't know what the WCC is, or believe it is just a personal vessel for a couple of people, but it is not. It is an organization that is dedicated to perserving climbing access in Washington State...sort of a local version of the Access Fund, except that it is just focused on Washington state. It seems to me that one of the main reasons the WCC exists is to address concerns such as the ones raised above...and hopefully in a proactive manner. I personally think there is room for opinions at the WCC, as long as they are voiced in constructive way. The only way I see us continuing to protect our access is to speak as one voice, at least on stuff that we agree on....like peserving general climbing access. Perserving our access to Sam Hill and other areas seems to me to be an issue we can all agree on.
  12. There will always be Soylent Green.
  13. olyclimber


    Who is this Lance Armstrong?
  14. olyclimber


    I don't know, MisterE, but I think you need to get a room full of them and find out.
  15. I can't wait for the sequel!
  16. The mullets are actually in Joyce.
  17. olyclimber

    specialed's tit

    I'm thirsty.
  18. America! Fuck ya!
  19. I'm sure it is a pine weasel. Those are nearly extinct. We need to make all of Washington state a preserve for the lowly pine weasel.
  20. Text book example of exactly the kind of shoddy spray that will be the downfall of this website, unless you nancy boy lurkers step up.
  21. Peter Pukeface, glad to see you have a grip on things. You're a real genius. Things are just great. You are so much smarter than that list of people from prestigous universities. Scholars are stupid!
  22. "80 pounds of make up on your art school skin 80 points of I.Q. located within"
  23. more like it beyotch. prolapsed rectums! extra points for spelling three letter words incorrectly in a spray induced spasum.
  24. Dru, we are not actually looking for answers here. We are just looking for partisan bitch slapping. Take your answers and stuff them up your canuck hole.
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