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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. olyclimber


    26 billion dollars in insurance claims is predicted. I wonder how this compares to the tsunami.
  2. Try posting your request at this site: http://www.ubersite.com/ and see which one gets you a climbing partner first.
  3. I thought he mean it to be like "word from on high" "or word from the holy man of climbing"...as a statement of respect or worship...not as mountie bashing. yes, do what ever Fred says. that is his climb.
  4. You might have better luck and less spray if you post in the "Partners" forum. No gaurantees, however. BTW, Squid's 1000 posts are all worthless drivel spray, and not any of them are "occasionally". But that doesn't mean he isn't a good guy. His heart is in the right spot.
  5. olyclimber


    I've learned that my family may be planning an intervention to pry this keyboard and cc.com away from me. If I drop from site for a little bit, don't worry....I'll be back. I'm planning on stashing computers with internet hooks ups every where, like in cabinents in the bathroom, in my tool box down in the basement, etc. Nothing could keep me from you.
  6. Your reference to our company property is subject to a small fee of $10 US. Please send the funds to company headquarters.
  7. thanks Gary. We may take you up on this offer.
  8. so I hung out in front of the store all day...
  9. ROTF LMAO OMG.....NOT!!! get some new schtick Squid. I used that joke yesterday.
  10. no. he is the self appointed expert of all things known to mankind, and more.
  11. but I could not find a job.
  12. Don't make me go crying to a moderator! Anyone got a big screen? Or I guess we could rig up sheet or something.
  13. I can see the future. It's peachy.
  14. it give this thread 3 poos, 2 blackholes, and a partridge in a pear tree.
  15. peaches.
  16. take me to your peaches
  17. I went to the store to get a job.
  18. Or Outlook?
  19. blame it on the rain. and squid and his novel idea with the war and peace shizzle. its all his fault.
  20. My eyes hurt after reading that story and I can't wait to have a pint of Guinness in an hour or so's time."
  21. Eyes melt, skin explodes, everybody dead. one is just a little fast than the other.
  22. I know...it needs more numbers, doesn't it? the problem with this thread is that people (probably including lazy me) started posting entire songs, instead of just the insidious bits that echo around in your mind long after their exposure scarred you.
  23. this one is a close second.
  24. thats one of my all time favorite songs. thanks for making my day archenemy!
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