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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. That's too bad, I was really concerned about your opinion of myself! Since you don't actually post any evidence to back up your opinions, there is nothing to refute. All I see are anecdotes...not really that useful, sorry. But true, Ivan is the best poster in spray, isn't he? Or at least even with all his faults, he is much, much more entertaining than you have ever been. Which is the only reason to come to spray. Battle on brave culture warrior.
  2. Fucking A dude. Talk about hyperbole. Of course not all liberals are the same. But there are trends and patterns of thought and behavior. Just like for conservatives. FW does make some interesting points and provocative statements. You don't even try to argue them but just go for the insults. Did you even try to check your emotions at the door for a second and *consider* anything he said at all? Scientists: yeah, they're great to talk to - in small doses and about their specific research area and expertise. Beyond that I've found many to be just as flawed and goofy as the rest of humanity. FW makes a good point about Ivan and generalists. Unidimensional people are boring as fuck (to me) and scientists often trend that way. I worked in biotech for over 10 years, and have known a ton of them both there and elsewhere. Oh, and the relatively few conservatives in science can be just as unidimensional and quirky. FW makes a great point about lay people citing science as gospel. Not knowing a neutrino from whatever he said - it's actually pretty typical of Americans in general, not just lefties. It's just the lefties cite science as gospel (w/o understanding it) while many righties prefer denial as a shield for ignorance. Well, back to your thread folks. I'm headed to the Enchantments along with 1000 other people... You and FW seem to be cut from the same cloth. Lots of blanket declarations. I get it, it's your little culture war. You claim to know what people understand and what people don't. You've got the "lefty mind" all figured out. I'm not sure how you did it! But clearly you're right. You got it all figured out. Well wait, no you don't...or if you do, your arguments here don't show that. "It's just the lefties cite science as gospel (w/o understanding it) while many righties prefer denial as a shield for ignorance." <-- This is perfect example. You've made this sweeping argument that we're supposed to believe in due to your views? What data are you basing this on? Lefties are all over the map. They are anti-vaxxers, they are anti-GMO. "Righties prefer denial as a shield for ignorance"? Are you talking about the denial of scientific findings? OK, gotcha. Sorry guys, the world doesn't fit into the convenient little containers you've made.
  3. Ha just pointing out that you don't come off any better than the people you troll day after day here (also trolls). There are all sorts of people here, all over the map politically. Yes, more than half, a majority, are liberal minded. For a while I think we even had an anti-vaxxer...how is that for being anti-science?
  4. Got it...pulling it out of your backside. Time after time your statements like "all you liberals are all the same" make it clear that you want to put everyone left of your definition of the center (probably John McCain, lol) in a cattle car and send them to the chambers. You don't seem capable of understanding nuances, based on what you post here. It seems that it's a black and white world to you. That doesn't help your commentary skills I'm afraid. I'm not making excuses or defending any behaviour.
  5. so you think you make a good political commentator? conceited? yes. trollish? yes. I don't know how that makes you qualified though. I would rather hear from a scientist any day. you purport to know how others really think. how did you gain this incredible insight?
  6. [video:youtube]LM_2Q_JPX8E
  7. The crappy red photoshopped circles offend my sensibilities....as does your opinions! Please remove them to suit my own way of thinking, I would prefer a picture of them rad sporto routes unfettered by your ugly, garish, and clearly uneducated photo editing.
  8. The lot of you are full of crap. I'm the only true god, and I bring you fire. [video:youtube]eawL6aJ2nBc
  9. I'm so sick of these conservative circlejerks. Call off your lapdog Fairweather! I'm scared!
  10. I just deleted my mean-spirited response because that ain't me. I disagree with many of your statements, with your clumsy broad stroke statements, and I don't care for your continued use of the word "tard". The ad hominem stuff really makes you look like an ugly, and I'm sure you're not. cheers.
  11. Doesn't seem like such a bad idea. Often the art of writing and communication is a challenge for those that excel in other disciplines. I'm not sure why you scoff at those people. Not everyone is a renaissance man such as yourself. I like how you have separated reason from it's very close cousin science. Science is more about a process than a belief system, which is makes it really strange to see it viewed with disdain. But I suppose the Conservative bent is all about rigid belief systems rather than a process of learning, so it may be tough to understand.
  12. Is it them awful scientists, book learners, and learners of the scientific method that are tryin to lead this great nation astray??? DO TELL.
  13. so i'm curious....what is the "the science cadre"?
  14. they're jesus....look what you just set off [video:youtube]p32OC97aNqc
  15. people who make broad sweeping generalizations are idiots
  16. tats only give you +1 valor. A1 is still A1...and everyone one knows that aid climbers have much bigger cajones than free climbers.
  17. while tapping your toe in a bathroom stall?
  18. http://www.newyorker.com/humor/borowitz-report/mccain-urges-military-strikes-against-fifa
  19. This former teacher does a great job of demonstrating Republican values, doesn't he guys???? AMIRITE??? http://news.yahoo.com/dennis-hastert-allegedly-engaged-sexual-misconduct-during-time-202654802.html
  20. shits gettin real up in there #liberalrage #liberalfacts love it...keep it up guys!
  21. Well, lets face it. Anyone who would actually call themselves a Conservative (without ducking by calling themselves Libertarian) is clearly retarded. Its simple fact, and has been proven by NASA. Why do you think that Conservatives are defunding NASA???
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