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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. i bet you won't even have to stand on the porch!
  2. ya...all the cool people are using .xml for their trip reports these days! thanks for sharing!
  3. i'm agonizing over data formats right now. why? why? why?
  4. but give me 80 hours. thats all i need.
  5. Damn! Well, all I can say is that is great news...100% recovery in a year. Glad to hear you're ok...see the the Climbing forum, Guiness Gulley Accident thread for another person who is currently recovering from a broken back. Best wishes on a complete recovery.
  6. jeesus...somebody get on this shit. rip up the wall, lol!
  7. olyclimber

    climbing smiley

  8. olyclimber


  10. Just don't clip that tat on Das Toof. You'll never get off the porch if you do.
  11. or escort import
  12. olyclimber

    climbing smiley

    i 2nd that motion Explain exactly under which circumstances one should use the "bleeding anus" gremlin. It could be used to denote suffering, or how things can go terribly wrong, just when everything seems to be going your way. Complaining is already covered by the "wahmbulance" (snugtop). I happened to be there when the late Earl Redfern told a story in Camp 4 about a fall he once took while leading an A4 pitch right off the ground. He ripped a bunch of placements and landed on a spike of granite that, as he said, ripped his anus. This was back about the time he, John Bagley, Tom Bepler, and Eric Brand were in the valley preparing for the west face of Mt Thor on Baffin Island. these are the type of stories that make logging on to cc.com everyday worth it all...
  13. Oregon?
  14. so, what genre would you say the majority of your dreams are in?
  15. ideal speed conditions are rapidly approaching
  16. that would be Jim, who attended the Sausagefest live via sat video phone from the Infinite Spur.
  17. luckily, I have you to respond to my response to my own spray to complete the vicious cycle.
  18. or fly a kite to the highest hieghts?
  19. life is just a joy ride, drink a lot of beer and climb inside
  20. great song, i like both the orginal and the bts version.
  21. You'll get the chance to take the world apart and figure out how it works Don't let me know what you find out
  22. wondering what its all about is 3/4s of the fun
  23. i would like to record movies of my dreams
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