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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. JEEZUS!!!!!!!!!!
  2. well, now you know. feel free to PM me with all the details.
  3. do tell us the whole story!
  4. Our great country was founded on the principal of freedom. And now people want you to have a medical degree just to mutilate your own genitals??? That just seems wrong!
  5. While My Ukelele Gently Weeps: http://www.devilducky.com/media/31482/
  6. Please consume this humor based product: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W7oIi7bV9yM&search=deaf
  7. watch out for those maddening thongs in sin city bro.
  8. olyclimber

    uh oh

    Yeah, you know I did it It's over and I feel fine Nothing you can say is gonna change my mind Waited, and i wait at the longest night Nothing like the taste of sweet decline
  9. It is the "Lil Ben Nevis of the Pac Northwest" after all.
  10. This is to be the Summer of Crack Love for me. Gimmee crack.
  11. I would be totally down if I had anything to do with Olympia. Unfortunately I am not from Olympia, I do not live in Olympia, I never wanted to live in Olympia, I have never lived in Olympia, I've only been to Olympia a few times, and the only person I know in Olympia is Off_White. I'm simply not associated with Olympia. I live in Seattle, which, while in the same state as Olympia, is not Olympia. It is a completely seperate city. Before then, I lived on the Olympic Peninsula, which is spelled similiarly to Olympia, but is not Olympia either. It can be confusing, and if it is to you use this chart: Olympia does NOT equal Olympic Peninsula I'll try to come down there sometime this summer and climb that place out, but since I'll be scooping all the women, most likely I won't be popular. I'm just warning you.
  12. does it feature mostly aretes?
  13. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=4262372597731133725&q=f40+dyno&pl=true best ad i've seen in a while... whoops...maybe not work safe for more sensitive work areas...
  14. Gosh I hate that guy! How much do we need pay him to make him go away?
  15. i think i'll take a nap myself, sounds nice.
  16. olyclimber

    Possum meat

    does anyone here have a good recipe for possum? on my way to the gym this afternoon I came across at well ridden but tasty looking lil' hunk of meat in the road. Sorry, no pics as I don't have my camera with me. But I can totally imagine this critter as a cute bugger scurrying about. No one has complained, so I think I'll leave it in my cube over the weekend.
  17. i wonder how long that will stay up there
  18. olyclimber

    My next job

    Squid, your next job.
  19. poor, poor peter.
  20. don't fear the reaper
  21. Darn it Peter! Only Work Safe links here! How many times do I have to tell you?
  22. and maybe a secret stash in the woods as well, that you find right at the end of a purifying vision quest.
  23. does she know the dewme decimal system? ***thoughts deleted by Off_White***
  24. keep telling yourself that, maybe someday you'll believe it
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