I hereby inform you under powers
entrusted to me under Section 47,
Paragraph 7 of Council Order Number
438476, that Mr Buttle, Archibald,
residing at 412 North Tower, Shangri
La Towers, has been invited to assist
the Ministry of Information with
certain enquiries, the nature of
which may be ascertained on
completion of application form
BZ/ST/486/C fourteen days within this
date, and that he is liable to
certain obligations as specified in
Council Order 173497, including
financial restitutions which may or
may not be incurred if Information
Retrieval procedures beyond those
incorporated in Article 7 subsections
8, 10 & 32 are required to elicit
information leading to permanent
arrest - notification of which will
he served with the time period of 5
working days as stipulated by law. In
that instance the detainee will be
debited without further notice
through central banking procedures
without prejudice until and unless at
such a time when re-imbursement
procedures may be instituted by you
or third parties on completion of a
re-imbursement form RB/CZ/907/X ...