Do not do that.
If you really want to go on such a ride, they have them in Hawaii. My sister and her family went on them, they sounded quite a big water slide.
yes, made from sugar cane, not corn syrup. IMO it tastes better, thus I was happy to hear at was at Costco, MY FAVORITE PLACE TO BUY THINGS IN MASS QUANTITY. I bought a couple of flats of this CRAP, like a good little piggy american.
Who is more full of more vitriol: a deskbound sprayer trapped indoors at work during perfect summer days or a deskbound sprayer trapped indoors during crappy rainy weather?
Before you answer: No, You go screw YOURSELF!
Well whatever. Archenemy, I'm going to have to store my consumer CRAP in your house as I'll be running out of space the moment on my online shopping binges start getting fulfilled.
Back in what day?
My house is right around 3400 sq ft and it is a hundred years old. Why is it suddenly a "mansion".
And for everyone else out there ready to tell me I should live in a 600 sq ft studio--fuck you. One of the many things I like about living in America is I can live wherever the fuck I want. Just so happens, I chose to live in the best thing in the best place I can afford (all subject to my own opinions and tastes obviously).
And I agree that changing the status quo on this deduction sucks; many of us factored that into our purchasing decisions (it doesn't change my ability to live in my home--but I have other homes I also finance and use as income property). Our tax system is screwed--but don't fuck the middle class in the ass til the ass is worn out. Try taxing the uber rich, the mega hedgefunds, equity brokerages, and the corporations at the same rate those of us in the middle class get taxed. At least pretend to be fair.
Corporate versus personal tax schedules here:
Share of income and tax burdens by income bracket:
ppssfft. taxes are for the little people.
Fuck it then. I'm remodeling my house to quadruple the squarefootage, I'm going to load it up with high draw consumer electronics and climbing gear, and buy a monster truck for my commute. But my parents still have to be ground up when they have served out their usefulness.