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Everything posted by olyclimber

  3. http://cryptome.org/usss-hands/usss-hands.htm i remember working downtown in a highrise near the Columbia Center when Bill Clinton visited that rich dudes club right by there. Since he was there for a couple of hours during the middle of the day we could look down and see snipers posted at various vantage points. They would seem to notice almost immediately if you where looking at them and would glass you with their binoculars to check you out. must be an interesting life...
  4. mhhjLeHy558
  5. If Spray is all politics all the time, then perhaps google keywords will do as such. quick, start a thread about climbing.
  6. could be wrong, but the gent might actually be looking for "current conditions" which , like ice found in a whiskey glass, is a little more ephemeral than info found in a guidebook
  7. olyclimber


    scott, what is your definition of "victory in iraq"?
  8. olyclimber


    I agree that the main focus should be "what do we do now" and less on "what exactly happened and who was to blame for it" (though that is important as well). I does appear to me that hanging on the words of OBL either way you look at it is bad policy. If he double dog dares us, who cares? And why the hell haven't we found that guy yet????
  9. how about investing in a good american companies like halliburton and KBR. http://www.boston.com/news/world/articles/2008/03/06/top_iraq_contractor_skirts_us_taxes_offshore/?page=1
  10. olyclimber


    betcha wouldn't say that to my face commie
  11. they are only lesbian because they haven't been kissed by a real man like peter before
  12. http://www.news.com.au/perthnow/story/0,21598,23792218-2761,00.html
  13. this is a kewl thread. just wanted a part of this majick.
  14. olyclimber


    well i think the lot of you are a bunch of jizz-gurgling assclowns.
  15. perhaps that was his original inspiration
  16. olyclimber

    Cancelling Vonage

    just don't tell them if you have any gold teeth or they may be digging you up.
  17. with the proliferation of new USB devices and ways to interact with the internet, who knows that will happen.
  18. +1 on stupidity as a hobby.
  19. kids these days. his painting on the side of the car was very nice however...jackson pollack would have given him a B-
  20. a dried up chamois is the leading cause of impotence.
  21. counterfeitfake, for example, requires you to provide a ball gag. he doesn't even bring his own. I say BYOBG.
  22. my chamois is always slightly moist.
  23. those dogs aren't cheap
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