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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. olyclimber

    He`s Back!

  2. olyclimber

    Grizzly Bear

    love that slip at the end. probably intentional?
  3. walmart has a fine selection of ropes
  4. i want to see the chart for ownership of the media outlets mapped to political party is your chart in millions of dollars????
  5. olyclimber


    HAPPY BIRTHDAY DRU. I BUILT YOU THIS DELICIOUS CAKE (might be NSFW for some of you!) http://i31.photobucket.com/albums/c371/danielledonaldson/funnycake.jpg
  6. olyclimber


    4 door just like this car VgQHj1R8x7s
  7. olyclimber


    yes i remember seeing how fast my brothers ford fairlane (302 with 4 barrel) would go. it sure seemed fast for $300.
  8. olyclimber


    heh...john just try the urban jungle approach. i just gave away my last lawn mower.
  9. olyclimber


    Peter, does this bring up memories of your abduction?
  10. olyclimber


    just google "IOC scandal"...not a foreign thing to that org. here is another memory...remember when the Olympics were all about the athletes and not about politics or corruption? i can't.
  11. well i hope your new grow operation sprouts a whole new team of winners for ichiro to play with. hopefully it will be in seattle!
  12. anyway...here is your typical seattle "liberal". nothing to do with communism: a5TJApnJ8X8
  13. olyclimber


  14. there are those that are attracted to communism because it is "fashionable". then there are actual communists.
  15. that doesn't sound that communist to me. good commies know that that greater good is served by their proletariat struggles. so they must all be bad commies in Seattle, and not the good kind? or perhaps it is just that with politics aside all of Seattle is populated by assholes?
  16. olyclimber


    ah memories... remember when computers used to come with a "turbo" button? or who here used to make their harnesses out of webbing? lets go down memory lane.
  17. Seriously though, why does gov't insist on capitalizing the profits and socializing the losses? Re: the bailouts it sounds suspiciously socialist Wy6SlUpbnIU
  18. well it was the yin and both yang the contributed. they obviously aren't the committed lefties that yall rail about all the time! though those that did waffle and cost us first the approval and then the removal ARE truly idiots we need more committed people here...or perhaps its just that we need more people committed.
  19. I would bet you $10,000 straight up that you cannot find anything anywhere to substantiate this as being true. That is: other than a falsehood and a rumor. $10 grand. I challenge you to find that law. It isn't there is it? what if its a law in my house? does that count?
  20. dood! rise above it all. remember that it was a popular movement that brought us the Seattle Monorail Project, and a popular movement that killed it. we have no one to blame but....alpinfox.
  21. i was planning on doing that this saturday, but i guess you can take it Wayne! seriously though, have fun. it will be a nice tour of the area, i'm sure!
  22. olyclimber

    Kids Ropeup

    not sure i can make friday at this point with the project i'm working on.
  23. we'll find out how well it works if private industry starts regulating the internets. certain ISP already are.
  24. private industry can pay quite well for roads lick sack, contrarian why not??? surely private industry can do a better job.
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