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Posts posted by olyclimber

  1. love.png.cfe73df00fa7be9bbe6935b1e8dae272.png


    Thanks @JasonG for hosting last night and for your single handed major funding effort! Thanks to @bellows for piloting the shaggin wagon.  Great to meet @cfire and @manninjo + your friend! And always good to see @rat and @OlympicMtnBoy it was great to share the car ride.   Nothing but love...whoever the dude flipping people off is, I'm pretty sure he was doing that for @lunger consumption only for not showing up like he has some important professor stuff to do or something!  

    I learned a lot about the Oso slide, and probably over shared on my experience visiting that site.

    • LMAO 1
  2. 34 minutes ago, OlympicMtnBoy said:

    Suwheet!  What time(ish)?  Im near NE 143rd St and 36th Ave NE.

    @bellows told me anytime after 5 so lets go as early as we can so right around then we will leave west seattle and head your way. lets fill up the van!

  3. 36 minutes ago, FrancisBailey said:

    I don't know if it will be of any use, but I maintain a search engine specifically for trip reports. CascadeClimber's is included on there in addition to a large number of curated sources. There's no way to filter by site specifically, but CascaseClimber results usually filter to the top due to the well structured titles and content. There's a link here if you're interested in trying it out: https://searchthesummits.com/

    seems like a reason stop gap  till we get the TR Search tool back. thank you.

  4. Welp, bummer, the resource I was going to have redo the TR Search function back out.  He is an old friend, and is newly retired, and honestly I don't blame him at all.  He'd rather be out cutting firewood, which is one of the more noble pursuits in life, and I totally support him in that.  

    So I'm going to ask around and see if anyone can do what I have in mind over on the forum support site.  Our current dev may be able to do it too.  But its going to cost more than having my friend do it probably.  We'll see.  This is a super important function, so it will happen.

  5. User @Tucker_Merrill discovered a bug (not sure how I missed it, but been really busy) with the TR tool.  I had a "Members" section added that was supposed to be optional, but it is not...and throws a weird error.    So if you leave that section blank your TR won't submit.

    So use the "@" symbol and then your cc.com user name (no space between the @ and your name)  and hit enter and it will populate that...just add yourself (and add other cc.com users if they came along on that trip!).  They can be added the same way.

    The dev is fixing it so it will be truly optional in the next release, due any day....

    And thank you @Tucker_Merrill !


  6. 9 minutes ago, KaskadskyjKozak said:

    Sell them for a small profit to help fund the site?


    Thats a good idea, but I'm also trying to get ideas to engage more people with this site and get the message out about it to the next gen of climbers.    So bumper sticker or something like that to make people aware that we are still going would be sweet and would want that on as many cars or whatever as possible.

  7. I mean I just represent one small opinion, and that is all it is, and I don't belong to a mysterious public sector cabal of elites, but I don't mind having one place in this country where there are no roads and the trails are faint or even in disrepair....like untouched wilderness as much as that is possible these days. I'm not saying that is the mission of the US Park service, but just my personal opinion it isn't a bad thing.  It isn't a religion for me, but there are lots of trails and roads that are maintained elsewhere.   I don't mind one park where it is just a wild vast.  But I understand that isn't for everyone...thats why its just my opinion.....man. 

    I'm not speaking, of course, to any actual disfunction or failure of the Park Service to do its mission, whatever that may be in this particular case.  

    In a personal sense, I think that would me I could bring my dog into the area, which he would like.

    Would be interested in specific examples and implications of what the USFS or State of WA do better, and how that would benefit the NCNP land beyond maintaining trails and roads.

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