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Posts posted by olyclimber

  1. https://www.mdpi.com/2571-6255/6/2/46

    if you Google there is a bunch of discussion about this, but I wouldn’t trust the area without close inspection and testing.

    This, like much of the other discussions about this particular topic I found Googling, is pretty much just armchair speculation, but:

    it seems like there are so many factors that could impact this:

    1. how hot did it actually get at each bolt?  It may be just a bolt or two are damaged and the rest are fine,  but it only takes one bad bolt to make for a bad day.

    2. Type of rock and moisture content in the rock, which could not only cause problems with the bolts, the the frailty of the rock in general.  I suspect the more moisture the more things could change.

    3. What kind of bolts/how were they affixed? 


    again just armchair talk here, not a geologist,  physicist, or psychiatrist.



  2. Some how i need to to change? Look in the mirror when you say that. I’m not sure what polarizing indoctrination you’re  quoting there but it isn’t helping you.

    I appreciate but that it exists, that you exist.  But I don’t have to agree. 

    A little sad that you drag this conversation here when there is so much we have in common.  You know, like being outdoors and on mountains and things.  


  3. People continue to support the site, and donations continue to trickle in.   Every little bit is very much appreciated! 

    When you donate, can you shoot me a PM?  I just want to make sure to add your account to our Uber secret Supporters forum so you can see it.   Sometimes the email in paypal isn't the same you use here on CC.com so it can be hard for me to match them up.

    Again, appreciate it! 

  4. 26 minutes ago, Fairweather said:

    The post-mortem on this website will list olyclimber as the cause of death. He just couldn't help himself.

    What are you on about?   Are you mad because I don't lift you up and celebrate the list of things you hate?   Is that how I'm "killing the site"?     Actually, I've paid money out of my own pocket to keep this place running.  I secured a sponsor to help keep the site going.  And people have chipped in as well.  Hell, @JasonG single handedly ran an auction of his photography and raised a bunch of money to keep this place going.  And all the users that have chipped in individually....you guys are why this site is still here.

    I appreciate and tolerate different points of view.    What I'm not a fan of is the sort of Eeryore negativity that drags down healthy discussion.   But even Eeryore has his place.  I have nothing against donkeys in general.



  5. I think this thread sums up all the specific things you hate quite well! Anything else to add? :laf:

    So far:


    1.  People who run NCNP

    2. People who live in Port Townsend, Vashon Island, Fairhaven, and Orcas.

    3.  The National Park system all together.

    4. "Feminista" which I believe is used to describe people who believe women should have the same rights as men.


    Or maybe hate is too strong a word? Just disagree with?

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