More than likely it is your enemies fault, repudiating all that stuff you said about them.
Times, seasons, people, fashions, habits...they all change over time. And most things are cyclical.
What this site has is a great historical database of Trip Reports that continue to trickle in...and sometimes they pour too.
What some of the other social media sites unfortunately lack (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, your blog) is the community that a site like this can give. Where people who don't know you and you never met can read about your adventures and be inspired...and vice versa. A site like this is designed to bring people together, not to showcase one person's adventures. I guess if you're trying to "go pro" or get sponsors...or if you have already achieved that, then a blog makes great sense: a place to toot your own horn under your own terms and you can delete responses that don't suit your point of view.
Unlike Facebook, that cute girl/gal you recently friended isn't on to read about your latest exploit. Neither is your mom or aunt. But if they were really into climbing they probably would be here . This is a community that really is focused on a single set of pursuits. If you aren't interested in climbing/skiiing/boarding, you're probably not here except to troll those that do. And people are here because they are passionate about these things. And they want to connect with people who share that passion.
A community like can be a place for debate. I know some of you might think that isn't the case, that we try to shape the site to particular users and particular points of view....but we haven't. We have only attempted to keep the dialogue relatively civil. Case in point is there are still several diverse points of view posting in this thread.
Though Jon (and of course Timmy), and I have like many of you been stretched thin by our jobs, families, and other interests, we have always tried to keep the lights on with this place because we believe it is such a valuable resource. We hope you do too. We have tried to keep a good/acceptable balance with the advertising and support local PNW enterprises in that arena. But it obviously needs your support to keep it going and relevant. And your friends support too. And we always looking for somebody with some new to say. Something we haven't heard yet.
We aren't going anywhere.