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Everything posted by shapp

  1. Still missing the little cocksucker (a term of real endearment) after 3 years
  2. Contact Mr. Frick (alpinebum) who has a post in this thread: http://cascadeclimbers.com/forum/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=1063946 He has climbed a bunch in the Sawtooth in winter and should know all!
  3. In tribute to the master of choss that started this thread, who we lost so young (Corvallisclimb): Some more pinnacles from the land-o-boners in SE Oregon (spring 2016): For all the phallic pics, I like to include this for balance, which I entitle "The Crystal Snatch" The crystal snatch is a void within a very large geode welded into this wall: [video:youtube]
  4. A bolt per say is not a safety net if it is not placed correctly.
  5. I'm still rocking my integral designs ski pants I got used at 2nd Ascent about 15 years ago. RIP - 2nd A
  6. Except for Morgul Vale at Wolfy
  7. [video:youtube] Great song "donald trump can suck my dick"
  8. Thank you for lending me a belay device man! Found mine in the couch crevice when I got home. Was able to climb the Pioneer Route and Siderman on Tuesday because of it. Cheers! Shap
  9. There is a fairly secret, but great, trail to rock lake that is not on the USGS topo or any guide book (that I am aware of).
  10. Using in rock for safety application, just like climbing, but not actually climbing. Want the powers 5 piece cause we will need to remove in a few years.
  11. oh shit, Old Dirty cons another into further moss raping!
  12. Anyone know who carries powers five piece bolts around Portland? Just need a few for non-climbing related installation. Thanks Shap
  13. Explosive Energy Child at Smith
  14. Happy birthday! Brings back good memories of winter fun in the Elkhorns and Hells Canyon.
  15. thats cool...what by your estimation is the coolest spot in the PNW? Well the PNW is a big place with varying definitions. If we are talking river/stream canyons and gorges, to stray to the edge of the PNW, I have to say that the Owyhee Basin the most rediculously cool area of all I have been. There is absolutely no way to pick one particular spot as the best within the Owyhees. Amazing and diverse geology, rediculous canyons from side slot canyons full of pinnacles and spires, to mainstem river gorges like little Mini Grand Canyons (the walls are mini at only 2000' tall), hot springs, loads of fossils and geodes, lots of indian caves with artifacts still intact, loads of petroglyphs, tons of huge rock spires for potential climbing, over 250 kayak/raft able miles, so much great stuff. You need several life times to explore it all. Its a big area though, covering parts of Idaho, Oregon and Nevada. Almost uncountable ridiculous expedition side canyon exploration potential. No people. Leslie gulch is in the Owyhee basin, it is a miniscule fraction of the basin, as a gage of the coolness factor of the entire area, I think of Leslie gulch as one of the less interesting parts of it all. Where as if you had only been to Leslie Gulch you might think wow, this is the best! Just google search images for "owyhee slot canyon" Jarbidge/Bruneau basin comes in second for me. A little big river canyon footage of the upper owyhee, takes about 5 days to get in there, including a 10hr 4x4 drive from hell to get to putin. [video:youtube]
  16. Just watched it, neat spot. With all due respect, speaking as someone who maps streams and works in water for a living for over 20 years, get a dry suit! Just watching that crew descend showed they hired some climbers with little to no experience working in an environment full of cold flowing water. Glad no one got hurt. If you want another 15 spots similar to that within 1.5 hours of PDX send me a PM and I'll give you some coordinates on google earth. Literally there are steep canyon gorges all over the place, especially high concentration in the Lewis River basin. I know it sounds dickish but I don't think the hype matches the footage. But it defenitely is a cool looking spot for sure.
  17. A 16 year old kid will probably kayak it soon (if it weren't for the wood).
  18. Hey I found this amazingly deep gully filled 30' deep with the most amazingly dry sage brush in the most amazing part of SE Oregon. Could be the deepest gully ever filled with sage brush ever!. I haven't been able to find any information on the internet about this amazingly filled sage brush gully, and can't find it reported in any other book or find another soul that has ever seen or heard of it. In all seriousness, I look forward to the program. Even though the likelihood that no-one has ever been there ever before is likely small. There are a bunch of deep slot canyons all over in the upper North Fork Lewis River watershed in SW Washington that I have been either at the base or on-top off, that probably no one has been into as they are guarded by water falls on both ends. Could probably make about 15 more OPB shows on those. 15 new discoveries to be had! This one is pretty much right by a road, bet you can't find any info of anyone ever going up into the canyon upstream of this falls. Being in the line of work I am in, I can tell you I have seen many many many slot canyons all over Oregon and Washington that you can't find any info about through research. They don't show up on USGS topo maps. But are they undiscovered? I doubt it.
  19. Killer! nothing else to say other than: More please!
  20. Where on earth did you find the orange camo Hunter, my favorite Owyhee trip beverage!
  21. or is it Stimson Lumber? either way the land around the peak is private timber, but the actual crag is on an isolated piece of State land. If its Stimson land then I am maybe in! Clatsop State Forest Map https://apps.oregon.gov/application/PDFDownload/ODF/Clatsop/clatsop%20state%20forest%20map.pdf
  22. I recently had a look at this in person with some big binos the field, anyone out there want to PM me if you know anything about any actual route development, I am getting the itch to scrub some moss! Thanks!
  23. Straight Shooter at Red Rocks. 5.9? Old Dirty Bastard getting sandbagged by Shap And the Midgit trying to get passed that bolt on Other side of the Tracks!
  24. not that hard, but tricky or pumpy for the grade (5.10 to 5.11a) New Testament at Smith (last little bit to the anchors) Other Side of the Tracks 3rd Pitch, Spring Mt. WA Hospital Corner, Spring Mt. Oregon Arthritis, Spring Mt. Oregon That pitch on Dreamer that you have to get around to the left of a big roof, Green Giant Buttress, WA the off-width pitch on Trophy Wife, Spring Mt, WA The steep handcrack pitch on Rattle Tail, Index, WA
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