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Everything posted by HRoark

  1. What!!! No Nevermore? Some fan you are! Do you mean stalker? 'Fan', 'stalker'; is there really a difference?
  2. How easy you come over to the dark side. It's called immersion brainwashing by my housemates.
  3. Hey, I got catch scratch fever, baby!! YYYEEEEEEAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!!
  4. Are these as good as the factory dry treatments? I found a nice rope cheap, but it's non-dry.
  5. What!!! No Nevermore? Some fan you are!
  6. Heavyhandedness, or the threat thereof, stifles ideation, creativity, and the desire to contribute. Minx is the head matron of the BDM of cc.com.
  7. Drivetime is for Archenemy, pure driving death metal with a female vocalist - . Some downhome New Orleans blues on the computer to keep me from going postal at work. Drive home to some soothing Nevermore - nice pure metal from Ballard. See you at Goofy's, Warrel.
  8. That is so fucking wrong-headed in my mind. You have no basis for taking more of my money than, "because he can afford it." That's no justification. I'm not against taxes, per se, I believe that the government's main function is to supply and maintain public infrastructure (roads, military, etc.). Murray, by giving individuals below a certain earnings level a pass on taxes you are saddling those who earn more with their burden. We will never agree, so don't try and strongarm me like marylou does, but that doesn't mean we can't discuss. Enjoy. Roark
  9. No, I don't. I don't agree with him or "his points"; most of which will cost me more money in taxes and restrictions on my freedom as an American. What is my "fair share" of taxes, catbirdseat? Why, because I am successful and work hard, is the government entitled to such a large share of my life blood? Roark Do you make over 1 million dollars? I don't thinks so. Why are you always sticking up for the ultra rich? How do you know how much money I make? That is irrelevant. What I DO believe in is the fact that I am the only one who is entitled to the products of my mind. What I "stick up for" is that each person should not be hindered maximizing their resourcefulness and success.
  10. And put the power into the hands of a ruling elite whose belief was that they knew better than their constituents what said individuals needed or should have.
  11. misguided and lame if you ask me. Nothing of quality or substance. I give it a 4.5 out of 10.
  12. No, I don't. I don't agree with him or "his points"; most of which will cost me more money in taxes and restrictions on my freedom as an American. What is my "fair share" of taxes, catbirdseat? Why, because I am successful and work hard, is the government entitled to such a large share of my life blood? Roark I love how I still become amazed by views presented on this site. Has respect and dignity for human life escaped the meager minds of some Americans? Someone who doesn't think I am smart enough to control my own life and how to protect myself has no respect for me. Also, anyone who holds the belief that because I am successful they are entitled to a larger and larger percentage of what I earn does not believe in the dignity of an individual. Clark and Moore fit this bill perfectly. Roark
  13. No, I don't. I don't agree with him or "his points"; most of which will cost me more money in taxes and restrictions on my freedom as an American. What is my "fair share" of taxes, catbirdseat? Why, because I am successful and work hard, is the government entitled to such a large share of my life blood? Roark Why should my son have to die for Haliburton and Exxon? There is a big difference between "stifeling entrepreneurship" and increasing profits for the richest of the rich. Bug; As much as I respect your view, I think this is a slightly skewed simplification. I don't necessarily believe in what we are doing in Iraq, but we're hardly over there fighting a few developer/contractors. We're playing global policeman, just like Ike did in Korea and Kennedy in Viet Nam. What about the other "points"? Or are you voting simply on war (which Congress has more control over than the President, anyway)?
  14. No, I don't. I don't agree with him or "his points"; most of which will cost me more money in taxes and restrictions on my freedom as an American. What is my "fair share" of taxes, catbirdseat? Why, because I am successful and work hard, is the government entitled to such a large share of my life blood? Roark
  15. Wow, an article that proves there is someone scarier for America than Michael Moore. I especially loved how Clark is going to "sock it to the rich..." Way to stifle entrepreneurship. A few lies to dispel: there IS NO GUN SHOW LOOPHOLE, Clark WILL NOT BE ABLE TO DO THESE THINGS BY HIMSELF; he will see the reality that Congress controls the lawmaking and the pursestrings. Moore makes me fucking sick. Roark
  16. Probably because nobody did it to her the right way.
  17. FUck you, you scrawny fuck.
  18. Maybe we could get that Sting guy to come do a benefit concert like he does for Amnesty International.
  19. I think what a lot of people are saying is, why take the 50 when you have a 60 skinny? Personally, I wouldn't take a 70 into an alpine setting. Although, I used on on Angel's Crest in Squamish and it was perfect for that route; the approach was cake, so we didn't have to carry it that far.
  20. The quantity of lead in the embankments worries me more.
  21. Like Catdipshit said, get a 9.4 or similar for alpine. But, an extra 10-m is an extra 10-m in the mountains. Think about it. Overall, potential for fewer belays, slightly longer rappels, generally more flexibility. When you don't have it, you'll want it. Go 60. Take it all with a grain of salt, 'cause I've never climbed the Tooth. Roark
  22. As a strong supporter of gun ownership, sport shooting, and target shooting, I must chime in here. The area is question is horrific. I have shot there fairly often in the past. I always recover my brass, when possible, and clean up my targets. It is very unfortunate that others don't. There was a cleanup some time back, but now you'd never know it. Shutting down the shooting in that area won't stop the garbage dumping. Contrary to what the gentlman said in the article, it's not "a Wild West show with bullets flying every which way". I've never felt unsafe out there. Roark
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