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Everything posted by ken4ord

  1. Awww Yeah can't wait for the ice and snow. Ade I agree with ya on the snowshoes. They can be a Godsend though sometime, but for the most part they are a pain in the arse.
  2. I was driving through Georgia once to check out a bouldering area in the north, and saw ball lightning - crazy shit. Did you hit Rocktown? Dat place is cool, I am not a boulder by any means but I had fun there a couple of days.
  3. Hey Spinx, I am sure there are more people that have been around than just AG. I have traveled to all the states except Alaska and Hawaii, been all over Canada (coast to coast), been down to Mexico over 20 times and I have to say this place rocks. Granted there are a ton of place to go still, Australia, New Zealand, Thailand, Spain, France the list goes on, but so far this state is the coolest I have been to.
  4. a little more than a little True dat...
  5. freshiez FRESHIEZ AHHHH YEAH!!!!! Bringz dat shit on can't wait. This rain sucks but I can deal with it if I know there is snow out there. Wayne totally agree best decision I ever made was to move out here.
  6. For me it was one of the reasons to live out on the East Coast when I was there. Those storms are cool and they create good surf. I always looked forward to hurricane season. I have some fond memories playing in 12 foot waves where they are normally 3 at the most, canoeing down the street one time, being able to stand at almost a 45 degree angle into the wind, and jumping and flying with an open jacket. Fun times, yeah I'm a little
  7. Shit if Hatebreed ends up opening for Slayer you might not be able to hear your boys when they come on. Hatebreed fuckin' rocks.
  8. That's sounds like a good idea. I can always use more eye candy lying around to keep me motivated.
  9. Sorry didn't mean sound like I was taking, whew especailly with only 106 posts now. My point is there is very little divisiveness here, in my 106 post opinion. Whether they are Re or De they are just bunch of white rich guys and we celebrate them by commissioning a war machine. What a crock of shit. So I guess I am not representing for one or the other, nor taking, but representing for all those that beileve our political system is joke. Come on does it really make a difference whether we have a Re or De in office, they both like to spend our money just in different ways.
  10. Oh yeah like we need another overpriced big killing machine, don't we have enough already. Who gives flying fuck whether they are named after Demoncrap or Repukeagain.
  11. Yeah! Maybe get some corporate sponsors and politicians to attend too! Maybe even restrict access and shit! That would be cool if there was some free swag there too, like stickers, plastic mugs, and junk like that. I could definitely use some more landfill material.
  12. I was doing pool workout this last winter and you can tell. Your body temp is up just like on land. I never thought I would sweat in water, it was a weird feeling.
  13. ken4ord

    Top 3

    (1) N Ridge of Stuart gonna back and do it again this year. (2) Angel's Crest in Squamish what a sweet day. (3) Early ascent of Lib Ridge on Raineer in whiteout, braking trail the whole way and forced bivy. What an adventure. These may change since like Erik said it may look like the summer is over right now. It is not until the ice axe's start getting swung into some ice or at least hooking onto some edges.
  14. I agree I like having a light pack it is freeing experience even when you are taking your time, you still move faster. Sometimes it nice to pack that extra treat, the rasta bivy kit, bottle of wine or beer, or some real food, though. How you travel depends what your gaols are. I myself prefer sleeping in a bed. If I can do things in a day that is my first choice.
  15. OK here you go my 2 cents. First off I want to say it is not like you choose between light and fast or heavy and slow. There is a lot in between. Also peoples abilities vary as well from someone who works to get up 4th class to hardcore free soloist. With that being said I think anyone can practice light and fast climbing, yeah they might not be pulling it off like Backes, Twight, and others, but not many people are. So light and fast is really a subjective term depending on many factors, route, ability, weather, equipment, strength, and endurance. Definitely the easiest way to start practicing the light and fast mantra is equipment. Weight reduction through $$$ (self-explainable). Make sure everything is multi fuctional and just enough. My first aid is a lighter with duct tape wrapped around it and knife (clothing can be used as gauze or sling material, nut tool or sticks or pack pad can used as splinting material, ect.) I feel like I suceed with the light part when I exit the mountains with no to little food (depending on the season and route) and gotten to a point where I used all my clothes and still stayed reasonably warm. I believe the next easiest way to attaining light and fast is training your body. Building core strength and endurance and being able to asess that, know when your breaking point is in a safe enviornment. I push myself on my bike to see what it is like when I hit the wall, that way I can remember that feeling and do something about it before it happens on a route or bail. I have also done endurance day hikes of 30+ miles, the longest being under 50. That way when the time come and I am fading on the mountain, I can keep telling myself that I can do it cause I have done it before. The third part to light and fast is route, ability and conditions. I think you need to know what you can do, in what type of conditions, and how you can do it. That takes time and experience in the mountains. It also takes knowing your partner and their ability. That is something that you can't buy or train for in a gym. Somebody mention that light and fast should not be about suffering, their partly right, but I feel like being in the mountains is about suffering whether you choose to go light and fast or heavy and slow. Come on, be real, we live pretty comfortably at home in a large shelter with multipule rooms, comfy bed, and indoor kitchen and bathroom, any type of food you want you can have delivered to your doorstep. There is no way you are going to have that comfort in the mountains, sorry being in the mountains is about suffering it makes us appreciate all the little things we have a home when we get back, it makes us stronger in spirit. That's not to say there are not other reasons to go into the mountains, like the scenery, or freedom that one experiences. I guess the final thing I want to say is that light and fast is not the way to go everytime you go into the mountains. It is nice to kick back with a friend or two and take in the beauty of the mountains and take your time doing a route. There something to say about just taking it easy every once and a while.
  16. If you got bomber anchor (2-3/8's bolts or better) I prefer tossing rope in seperate directions like suggested and then simu-rapping. A lot of people aren't comfortable with doing that, but it is definitely the way to go for speed and evening out the work load. I have heard of using stuff sack or pack, but then you got to spend the time stacking the rope in the pack or bag. I tried it once, never again took much longer than dealing with ropes on the way down. Low angle rapping sucks, there is no getting around it unless there is a walk down.
  17. I haven't read any of the posts on this thread, but all I can say is, that we have the biggest dipshit for a president right now, and it fucking tweaks me to think we are considering spending that much money not to mention all the money we have already spent on war!! Especially where our economy totally sucks, WTF, I can't wait until this whole Bush Butthead error is over. What a fucking asshole, man and I thought his dad was an idiot, he (Bush Jr.) redefines the meaning of idiot. What an ass!!!
  18. I just want to see those temps plummet now if it is going to rain. I hate the waiting for ice and snow to come. If the temps would drop it would definitely motivate me to break out the files and start sharpening everything.
  19. I used cedar planks this summer, and that was the best. Also gril with apple wood chips that are soked thrown on the coal before putting the salmon on is really good.
  20. Hey, hey, hey, , Count me in to. I don't want to miss the Tuft fest, been looking forward to it for a month already and still got another to go. I may bring a friend too.
  21. I used to listen to that all the time in high school. ELP, and Floyd too. Obscured by Clouds is a pretty good Floyd album. Now-a-days I don't want to diss on that stuff, cause I used to love it, but I never listen to it anymore. Brian Eno has the only 70s music I still listen to. Dood your forgetting a ton of good music if youare only listening to Eno. How about Can, Hawkwind, Fred Frith, King Krimson, and I think Chrome started in the seventies, no those guys were way ahead of there time.
  22. I think the key is keeping the shit organized as you are clipping it to you harness or gear sling, not necessarily breaking it all down. There has been to many time where I have taken people that aren't that experienced having draws double clipped to there harness or slings dangling to far down which impeeds their climbing. What I do is if the piece is on a long sling, throw the sling over a shoulder and unclip the piece and put it on the gear sling or harness and leaving a single biner on the sling or take the rope biner end and thread through the piece biner and clip loop and and use the piece biner to clip to harness or gear sling. If it is on a draw, clip the biner that is connected to the piece to your harness or gear sling. As you are clipping stuff to your harness or gear sling, keep it organized nuts together, cams together, and draws together. That way when you are at the belay you can organize by groups. With that said everybody seems to have there own method, that is what works for me.
  23. catshiteat - this post makes me want to take a sock full of D-cell batteries to your skull. You are a fucking clueless idiot that I would piss on if you stood still for more than 5 minutes. Ew, little sensative G Dubbya, a little to close to home.
  24. Best album A Saucerful of Pink. It a double CD Goth tribute album, it rocks. Definitely though The Wall is the album to have from the band. There is no way I can pick a single song from them, they have so many good ones. So what is this Pro and Cons you speek of?
  25. ken4ord


    I went and saw some of the Breakdancing, that shit is wild, really cool. Also saw some Macy Gray, Hasan, Space harp thang, Kinski, Kinky, and stopped in to listen to Kid Hops and DJ Riz spin some toonz. By far the Kinky show was the best.
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