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Everything posted by EWolfe

  1. I hear the Ambassador himself might show up!
  2. Neither of them had hunting tags at the time of the incident.
  3. Sewing shops often have info on bar-tackers, Metolius used to do 'em on that Smith Trip, sport climb for a day or two.
  4. EWolfe

    Oil of Olay Ad

    There's an new one that shows scenes from Joshua Tree. Like that's a BAD thing.
  5. EWolfe

    Snaffles in Love!

    This is a great story: Frederick the Mouse - Leo Lionni
  6. EWolfe

    Graupel in Seattle

    I had to look it up: grau·pel Pronunciation: 'grau-p&l Function: noun Etymology: German : granular snow pellets -- called also soft hail
  7. wait, wait. The recipe eludes me... ya got yer and yer How do you cleanse?
  8. I dunno, I think Brian might be stretching his Troll legs.
  9. EWolfe

    Boundary Bay IPA

    I went to the Seattle International Beerfest this summer and tried 26 IPA's, and was still happy to be back at the local Pub.
  10. EWolfe

    Snaffles in Love!

    personals, cont: You: Like chewing salty shoulder straps, scurrying, frenetic love, and caching nuts.
  11. EWolfe

    all nighter

    In High School, we used to take lots of No-Doz and pull 'em.
  12. EWolfe

    Boundary Bay IPA

    Yummy! Best in the Nation!
  13. Don't foorget to bring the proper accoutrements for thawing the digits, local-style: The friends you will make!
  14. I agree with the Aaaargggghhh, personally.
  15. Like a teaspoon of water for a bonfire.
  16. Links to webcams, or live feeds within a forum wood be kewl. There's been quite a few linked here.
  17. There is a modification to the gri-gri that helps this out and doesn't effect regular performance. Do a search.
  18. Me too. I was so fucking depressed this weekend I didn't do shit.
  19. They were Quayle-hunting? Maybe Dan was shooting back.
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