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Everything posted by EWolfe

  1. EWolfe

    Favorite Authors

    I just knew I should have posted this in the new Readers Circle forum
  2. EWolfe


    Hey, now! That's my quick winter fix you're dissin'!
  3. EWolfe


    ok, as long as we can get "I Climb Like Dean" bumperstickers to make us feel scofflaw again.
  4. I heard a funny story in high school about cat turd/litter combo being used as an attempted Baby Ruth Substitute. The hopeful result was that it would be eaten, but the smell (the deterioration of the embedded nugget was supposed to mitigate the smell) was a deterrant. Basically, it didn't work at all, and he got in big trouble.
  5. EWolfe

    Favorite Authors

    Top 10. Ed Abbey CS Lewis Jim Harrison Herman Hesse Orson Scott Card Kurt Vonnegut David James Duncan Gary Snyder WB Yeats Tom Robbins
  6. ..not to mention the serrated rear opening Only the most masochistic would see that as a two way hole
  7. what? damage her delicate arch?
  8. Some things are just SO worth hauling up Brokeback mountain, though...
  9. Thanks OlyGuy! Does that little "a" flag mean you're dosing? I will try the Intrawebs again with this new "sprey" thing
  10. EWolfe

    Let's Ride Bikes!

    and it's a good thing these folks are too young to get upset about the obvious exclusion: Kix? Helloooo?
  11. IF THIS THREAD IS LOCKED, THEN EVERYONE WILL MOVE ON! (Whoops, did I forget to log on as ALLCAPS again? Silly me)
  13. EWolfe

    Let's Ride Bikes!

    What about the unicyclers? Do they feel left out? Can't they just make it Cycler's Month?
  14. EWolfe

    Let's Ride Bikes!

    Go where few have gone before:
  15. EWolfe

    Let's Ride Bikes!

    look closely and check the properties for a joke in that picture.
  16. EWolfe

    Da vinci

    More like illegal download.
  17. EWolfe

    Let's Ride Bikes!

    It's National Bike Month!!
  18. EWolfe

    $100 a Barrel

    Is that the scene from Zoolander....
  19. Jesus People. Let it go, already. There was a time when climbing was a fringe community of deadbeats and scofflaws, and look how you treat such types now. Seems to me homogeneity is the goal with this reactive nature. I know some of you are very active, BTW
  20. EWolfe

    Da vinci

    Roger's pissed, cuz his wife is away with the key...
  21. I have been doing climbing collages lately, and am looking for old Climbing, R & I, whatever for stock. Your magazines will actually get used, rather than just collecting dust. Be within reasonable distance of Seattle area. Thanks, Erik
  22. Back! Get Back! I'll pull the trigger, I swear I will!!
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