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Everything posted by EWolfe

  1. You suck, until ya got a few inya.
  2. That's the impetus for the "War On Terror", right? Traditionally: The fight for freedom has been by the opressed toward the dominant. You can see where we lie in that field. Traditionally: The struggle for freedom has been been implemented by the minority in a struggle for expression of rights against the majority. Shit breaks down under scrutiny. Discuss, Ted.
  3. BTW, Ivan. You ARE crazy.
  4. Post deleted by MisterE
  5. EWolfe

    Photo Cap

  6. EWolfe

    Wheres Iain?

    That's a much better substitution than copulating. Kudos for that - those folks at that other site are banal.
  7. Group W bench'll do that to ya.
  8. Post deleted by MisterE
  9. Post deleted by MisterE
  10. Isn't that part of the masochistic fun??
  11. Wow. You guys are so awesome! You should publish this rad banter!!
  12. EWolfe


    regardless of Rudy's skiing/snowboarding aversion, conditions are always in for either/or.
  13. Man, you should be deepwater soloing that shiz.
  14. EWolfe

    Photo Cap

    OctoDummy Tries The Vertical World?"
  15. EWolfe

    "Free Speech?"

    I like it when they all agree on a suicide pact.
  16. EWolfe

    Photo Cap

    "Dru Tries Yet Another Squid Myth Troll"
  17. Probably ok to bang away in the quarry area, iddnit?
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