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Everything posted by EWolfe

  1. Welcome back, Necro What's the recipe for the 25 again?
  2. I 'spose you think that's funny? Don't get me started I know, My Bad: you've been such a kinder, gentler Trask as of late...
  3. There's also the "Moro Islamic Liberation Front" with a fresh lot of H2's courtesy of Uncle Sam....
  4. 2 words: "Dylsexics Untie!" 1 word: "TRASK!!!!!"
  5. What an amazing, full life it was.
  6. A tri-cam? Holler if you have one and have NEVER used it. I have had one since 96 and I could still return it to the store if they took returns on gear. On your way back to Norway, return all of the gear that you bought to look cool.
  7. Yeah, like that guy named Smith...
  8. EWolfe


    Got the frickin t-shirt...
  9. Didn't a wise person once say that religion and politics don't mix? Only history will reflect (again) the truth of that statement. The fervor seems so immediate, though...
  10. The US Army? Be all you can be, and all of that?
  11. EWolfe

    Are you a dirtbag?

    Vulturing at Yosemite is the penultimate dirtbagging: Hang out at the restuarant, and when people leave food uneaten, you go get it and eat it. I drew the line at PARTIALLY eaten pieces of pizza , but other than that, ate pretty well - even got a full pitcher of beer when there was an announcement about bears/food in cars and some dudes bolted . Free yos is the best... Vulturing
  12. It was a lot of fun, actually! Layton kept us entertained with stories of Vegas, his accident and subsequent hospital epic, and of course, showing the pins in his feet... Necro, GlassgowKiss, dberdinka, Bill Simkins and a couple of others showed up to swill - all in all, a good time!
  13. EWolfe


    I think I am going to Bjork...
  14. EWolfe

    favorite condiment

    Annies Goddess Dressing
  15. take the test This whole site is pretty entertaining.
  16. I wonder what happened to that removeable bolt cam phenom - it sure doesn't seem to have become popularly used. It seems like that may have been a possibility to bypass the whole bolt/not bolt issue... Not that a wall with a bunch of 3/8" holes is any better, but visually it seems like it would be less impactful, and routefinding becomes more than looking for the next shiny piece of metal...
  17. Size medium. It is too small for me. This is a sweet jacket - nice enough for a date, but warm and light enough to carry climbing. I will take the highest bid! Call this a "CCBay" sale! PM me if interested...
  18. EWolfe

    best. sig. ever.

    I like the one that says: "Give a man a fire, keep him warm for a day, set a man on fire, keep him warm the rest of his life" LOL!
  19. Oh, you crazy Bend folks! You are so hip and all... Cultural wasteland =
  20. Time to switch to the "hello snaffle" picture, Dru! SNAFFLE: Situation Normal: All Faqn Faqd (Leader Erie) It's Snaffliscious! "go and get your Snaffle, Run and get your Snaffle..."
  21. ...and raising a few for the good man, Dave Gunstone - God, I still can't believe it....
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