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Everything posted by EWolfe

  1. Who judges this? There's a tough call.
  2. Looks like some sad Dr Seuss character...
  3. Lizard skin powers...Activate! Oh, an throw in some Oxy to ease the pain? ...
  4. Become a psychotic, retire on govenment funding. :mad:
  5. I still love the smell of flinted rock in the morning!
  6. It's not new. I am merely trying to define and organize spiritual fulfillment that already exists. I am a Taoist, so it seems natural to me. Thanks, Buckaroo. ...
  7. They shoulda transposed the words in "off-beat"?
  8. I've lost close to 30 pounds. 182 to 153 Me and my tapeworm are very happy about this.
  9. My favorite part was "they didn't have the 10 essentials". Ya think? they were wearing jeans and t-shirts, I can't imagine why they left them behind...
  10. We have all felt it at some point. Is there a good reason not to make it official?
  11. Thanks for the thread drift, now can we get back on subject? As a user group and coalition, a religious doctrine would strengthen our stand. What are some of the experiences that enlighten or doctrines of climbing as a religious experience? Please be serious. Experiences that Enlighten: 1. Connection to the Earth 2. Celebration of life 3. Trust Others?
  12. If we officially organized one, then we could say we were "practicing our religion". This could prove to be beneficial to access litigation, and strengthen our representation as a user group. Hell, people already think we're crazy. Adding a religious bent to our activity might even add some credibility. Thoughts?
  13. I just wanted to share my amazing TR of the Tooth...
  14. I drop coils on you from great heights. RIP IT UP! LOL! EVERY DAY I AM TRAINING TO BE STRONGEST CLIMBER!
  15. eat a bag of dicks, ass eyes garge butt gravy I CAUGHT YOUR SPELLING ERROR. YOU ARE OFFICIALLY AN IDIOT. do you post from a WebTV? OMG! STFU, N00bs!
  16. Bump. I wish I were a real man. What's it like, Pope? Share your wizdom please
  17. They are trying to regain their peer status. You don't need "equipment" to free-solo Brass Balls, you know. Pffft.
  18. Is the hummingbird Epic or Event shell? Regular or short? Thanks, Erik
  19. I see the outpatients are out in force tonight.
  20. Kev. This is one of the stupidest threads ever. Longing for commercialism and fake Christain celebration under the guise of greed? Get a life. ..oh, and thanks for dumbing down spray even more. You're a real underachiever!
  21. EWolfe


    Wanna buy some used gear, carl? I live in Enumclaw. Call me when you are getting close, cuz I might have to move due to that silly manhunt. 867-5309
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