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Everything posted by EWolfe

  1. Remeber to reinforce your backside to avoid those "surprise visits"!
  2. I've got spork envy now.
  3. Primitive camping, but free and quiet on West side. Long drive in. Bring water. Better for climbing: Moby Dick (III 5.8, 6 pitches). Highly recommended! Warpaint (III 5.10, 5 pitches) is excellent as well. Pay camping with amenities on East side. Busier, but good bouldering around campsite. Access to South face; Beeline (5.9R, 2 pitches) In the 5.10 range, Welcome to the machine (III 5.10c/d, 4-5 pitches) is well protected, and excellent. Be advised, the climbing at Cochise is VERY SERIOUS, many of the climbs (even the lower grades) involve off-width, chimneying, and/or runouts/scary gear, old bolts, tied-off chickenheads, and licheny rock. The ones I recommended are pretty well protected (for Cochise ) Have fun! Spot a Coatimundi for good luck! Erik
  4. I'll have my people get a hold of your people.
  5. I find the tri-cams placements excellent in irregular crackage, just as good if not better range, and all but the smallest are easier to remove than hexes. My .02 That being said, the stiffer cordage gives you the best of both worlds.
  6. Climbing with Blake recently, I got to place the number 1 on several occasions. The range on these is amazing, no fumbling for the right sized piece. I will definitely add a couple to the quiver.
  7. Dinner: Gordon's Gin, Potatoes, Lucky Strikes, and Pepcid. What a health nut.
  8. I'm going for the slide! Wheeeeeeeeee!
  9. EWolfe

    Pernod wine?

    "Among other things, the site says Pernod enhances vegetables" Have fun with that.
  10. I think the consonants are way more sexy.
  11. EWolfe

    Pernod wine?

    There's always some asshole who brings the...
  12. I don't fall on Wortleys. I have lead it 100 times and never fallen. 4 pieces of gear. :chestbeat:
  13. The Korthaus has some great "alternative" burgers, BTW.
  14. The inevitable result of too much time online. That's just sad, Bro.
  15. EWolfe

    Pink Floyd

    I had a cool "Animals" screensaver you can download for free from their site. All the "baaaaaa"-ing reminded me of this weird trip with Bob, and sights I would rather not think about...
  16. You were your usual slow, contemplative self in following that up, I see....
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