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Everything posted by EWolfe

  1. The Pilot's Wife. Just finished it.
  2. EWolfe

    My Real Tree

    Particularly before you start thinkin' of trimmin' it. Dude, put down the bottle. Not helpful for a can drinker.
  3. what's it like to "get stuck" ?
  4. Shhhh! It's fun to make fun of Olyclimber!
  5. Excellent to hear. And I thought it was a troll. Congratulations, and looking forward to it!
  6. The gain of power is always the loss of freedom. Offered up to the dangerous and out ofcontrol, as a drug.
  7. EWolfe

    My Real Tree

    wierd. The yoda kinda looks like my tree. I should stop drinking...
  8. EWolfe

    My Real Tree

    :troll: note: this was the first use of the new yoda
  9. EWolfe

    My Real Tree

    I love how Porter has taken his new-found responsibility so well.
  10. isn't that more of a burn? The recipience of that is more immediate and implicable to the burninator.
  11. Stick the leftover parts of your on your helmet. Disguss.
  12. one of those offends me. Can I get back to you?
  13. Please strike this post if you are my friend. He steals!!!!
  14. EWolfe

    My Real Tree

    So, my new avatar pic is actually my tree! It's good to have the tree back, and it's mine this time! Phillip: semi-cascade, 45 years
  15. But not as effective of an offense of non-defensiveness!
  16. discuss. ...how I could make it hurt less. Never! But the pain threshold went up, fortunately.
  17. You know who you are! It's obsolete and dangerous, not "oldskool". GEAR CRITIQUE! yo'self!
  18. Seahens. Let's hope they can break the Seattle Curse.
  19. What do you wanna bet that his first action as LORD OF OUR UNIVERSE is to increase the PM limit?
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